News19 June 2024|AuszeichnungResearch Days 2024: Prize for best presentation goes to Alexej SinnerPhoto: Hara Ortiz HernandezFrom 18-19 June 2024, outstanding scientific projects were presented at the Research Days of the Department of Biology at the University of Hamburg...1 May 2024|PublicationImmunogenetic variation in the three-spined sticklebackPhoto: A. MulthauptCongratulations to Artemis Efstratiou for publishing her first PhD paper on the genetic variation of immunologically important MHC genes in the...23 February 2024|PublicationAn immunogenetic basis for lung cancer riskPhoto: C. Krishna / Science MagazineThe Research Unit for Evolutionary Immunogenomics in the Department of Biology was involved in a collaborative research study that sheds light on the...29 November 2023|evolutionaryimmunogenomicsPhD defense of Onur ÖzerPhoto: Ana TelesCongratulations to Onur Özer for successfully defending his PhD thesis We are very happy to announce Onur's successful PhD defense on the variability...14 August 2022|evolutionaryimmunogenomicsPrague trip of the Lenz lab for ESEB 2022Photo: Tobias LenzMembers of the group present their research at the international congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology The biannual congress of...14 June 2021|evolutionaryimmunogenomicsNew publication on the antigenic diversity of human pathogensPhoto: Lenz/Created with BioRender.comCongratulations to Onur Özer, PhD student in the Research Unit for Evolutionary Immunogenomics, for his publication about the potential antigenic...12 April 2021|Forschung„Warum können wir nicht gegen alles immun sein?“Photo: Achim MulthauptWarum sind einige Individuen krankheitsanfälliger als andere? Dieser Frage geht Dr. Tobias Lenz nach, der seit dem 1. April Heisenberg-Professor für...Contribution from the university's newsroomShow all news