Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science (IMF)
The Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Sciences (IMF) take a broad, interdisciplinary approach to gain a better understanding of marine ecosystem functioning under anthropological influences such as fisheries, eutrophication and climate change. To reach this research objective, the research groups at the IMF employ a wide array of methods to investigate the key processes involved in marine ecosystem dynamics. In research, laboratory experiments are used in conjunction with field-based process studies and various numerical and statistical modelling approaches.
The IMF works closely together with a number of national and international partner institutes in various multidisciplinary research projects. These projects focus on aspects of fundamental marine research as well as the application of new scientific findings in ecosystem-based management. Our scientific work geographically targets areas in the North and Baltic Seas as well as the North Atlantic, Atlantic, and Pacific upwelling regions.
The Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Sciences consists of the following research groups in the Department of Biology:
- Experimental Marine Zooplankton Ecology (Prof. Nicole Aberle-Malzahn)
- Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Management (Prof. Dr. Christian Möllmann)
- Marine Ecosystem Modelling (Prof. Dr. Inga Hense)
- Plankton Ecology and Evolution (Prof. Dr. Elisa Schaum)
Junior Research Groups
Within Hamburg University the Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science (IMF) is part of
- Department of Biology within the faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciencies
- Center of Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN)
Former departments: