The Institute of Plant Sciences and Microbiology (IPM), located at the Loki Schmidt Garten, brings together different specialties in biological sciences. The variety of fascinating processes in nature from molecules to ecosystems are both taught and researched at the IPM. State of the art methods and instruments are used to answer current research questions.
The IPM thrives on the interdisciplinary exchange between individual working groups, which promotes synergy in common research topics and enables the common use and advancement of innovative techniques used in teaching and research. Likewise the Herbarium Hamburgense, the Loki Schmidt Haus (Museum for Crop Plants) and the Microalgae and Zygnematophyceae Collection (MZCH), all located at the IPM, have a central function in this interdisciplinary exchange.
The following research groups in the Department of Biology are located at the IPM:
- Applied Plant Ecology (Prof. Dr. Kai Jensen)
- Aquatic Ecophysiology and Phycology (Prof. Dr. Dieter Hanelt)
- Animal Network Ecology (Prof. Dr. Jochen Fründ)
- Developmental Biology (Prof. Dr. Arp Schnittger)
- Functional Forest Ecology (Prof. Dr. Ina Meier)
- Microbiology and Biotechnology (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Streit)
- Molecular Plant Genetics (Prof. Dr. Julia Kehr)
- Molecular Plant Physiology (Prof. Dr. Stefan Hoth)
- Molecular Phytopathology (NN)
- Organismic Botany and Mycology (Prof. Dr. Dominik Begerow)
- Plant Biochemistry and Infection Biology (Prof. Dr. Sigrun Reumann)
Junior research units:
Associated research units:
- Food Microbiology (Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Agnes Weiß)
- Biodiversity of Crop Plants (PD Dr. Sabine Lüthje)
Former departments: