Guest Editor
Women in Plant Science - Redox Biology of Plant Abiotic Stress 2022
edited by Laura de Gara, María C. Romero-Puertas, Christine H. Foyer, Sabine Lüthje and Ana Zabalza
Lausanne: Frontiers Media, 2023
24k Total Views and Downloads
Plant‐based Foods: Seed, Nutrition and Human Health
editied by Sabine Lüthje, Renu Deswal, and Ganesh Kumar Agrawal.
PROTEOMICS 15 (10), 2015, 1631-1770
International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO) World Congress 2014.
edited by Heazlewood J.L., Jorrin-Novo J.V. , Agrawal G.K. , Mazzuca S. , Lüthje S.
Lausanne: Frontiers Media, 2015
270k Total Views and Downloads
Research Paper (peer-reviewed, ISI Web of Science)
Aktuelle Publikationen
- PD. Dr. Sabine Lüthje Work Group - Oxidative Stress and Plant Proteomics
Book Chapters
S. Lüthje, K. Ramanathan (2020) In Silico Analysis of Class III Peroxidases: Hypothetical Structure, Ligand Binding Sites, Posttranslational Modifications, and Interaction with Substrates. In: Jorrin-Novo J., Valledor L., Castillejo M., Rey MD. (eds) Plant Proteomics. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2139. Humana, New York, NY,
S Lüthje, CN Meisrimler, D Hopff (2018) Chapter 9: Proteomics of micronutrient deficiency and toxicity. Plant Micronutrient Use Efficiency, Editor(s): Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Takehiro Kamiya, David J. Burritt, Lam-Son Phan Tran, Toru Fujiwara,
Plant Micronutrient Use Efficiency, Academic Press, Pages 161-180, ISBN 9780128121047,
S. Lüthje, C.N. Meisrimler, D. Hopff, T. Schütze, Jenny Köppe, K. Heino (2014) Class III peroxidases. In: Methods in Molecular Plant Biology, Plant Proteomics: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition, eds. J.V. Jorrín Novo, S. Komatsu, W. Weckwerth, S. Wienkoop; pp. 687-706, New York, NY: Humana Press Inc.
S Lüthje (2008) Plasma membrane redox systems: lipid rafts and protein assemblies Progress in botany, 169-200
S Lüthje, M Böttger, O Döring (2005) Proton Channelling b-Type Cytochromes in Plant Plasma Membranes? Progress in Botany: Genetics Physiology Systematics Ecology, 187-217
S Lüthje, M Böttger, O Döring (2000) Are plants stacked neutrophiles? Comparison of pathogen-induced oxidative burst in plants and mammals. Progress in Botany: Genetics Physiology Systematics Ecology, 187-222
O Döring, S Lüthje, M Böttger (1998) To be or not to be—a question of plasma membrane redox? Progress in Botany: Genetics Cell Biology and Physiology Ecology and Vegetation Science