Mitigation and analysis of plastics in composts to promote their use as soil conditioners and peat substitutes
In the course of dwindling resources and the need to reduce CO2 emissions, it is important to identify potential savings and to realise them. This overarching goal can be achieved through the interaction of various measures at different levels. Making the use of compost more attractive is one component to achieve this goal. The relevance of compost is due to its potential function as a soil conditioner. It has the ability to store nutrients and water, which can contribute to stable harvests. It also acts as a carbon sink. Its benefits make compost an ideal substitute for peat, the use of which is considered harmful to the climate. However, especially in the case of composts made from municipal biowaste, contamination with plastics prevents more extensive use. This is due to inadequate waste separation by households and leads to reduced acceptance among potential users.
The aim is to make the use of compost more attractive and to promote its use. This is to be achieved on the one hand by developing strategies to increase the quality and quantity of composts. These aspects are being worked on by the Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH). On the other hand, the detection of plastics in compost is to be improved. This includes the detection of macro-, meso- and especially microplastic particles. A standardisation of microplastic analysis is being strived for in this context and is to be implemented by means of Pyrolysis GC/MS by the Universität Hamburg.
The Entsorgungsbetriebe Lübeck (EBL) and the Grünland Aurenz GmbH (ASB) are further project partners who support the project with expertise and resources.
01.07.2023 - 30.06.2026
This project is funded by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU).
Funding Code: 38158/01-34/2