News19 December 2022|herbarium-hamburgenseThe lichens, lichen-inhabiting and lichen-like Fungi of Germany - a revised checklistThe present work lists 2051 lichens, 520 lichenicolous and 55 allied fungi, altogether 2626 taxa and their synonyms, whose occurrence has been...19 December 2022|herbarium-hamburgenseA new endemic, Pannaria oregonensis, replaces two misapplied names in the Pacific Northwest of North AmericaWe evaluated the taxonomic status of specimens representing two listed rare species of Pannaria in the Pacific Northwest, P. rubiginosa and P...19 December 2022|herbarium-hamburgenseOpening the Gap: Rare Lichenes With Rare Cyanobionts – Unexpectet Diversity in Cynobacterial Lichenes of the Order LichinalesThe last decades of research led to a change in understanding of lichens that are now seen as self-sustaining micro-ecosystems, harboring diverse...19 December 2022|herbarium-hamburgenseHBG receives valuable collection of hawkweeds (Hieracium)Photo: Sabine DrewesThe herbarium of the UHH (HBG) has taken over an extensive collection of hawkweeds (Hieracium) from the Tübingen specialist G. Gottschlich, including...19 December 2022|herbarium-hamburgenseMarburger ErklärungMarburger Erklärung zur Digitalisierung von Unisammlungen3 May 2021|herbarium-hamburgenseEozean ExhibitionPhoto: UHH, Richard HansenHBG supports new Eocene exhibition in CeNak with loans from its collection Link: Eozean Exhibition in the CeNak.13 December 2018|PublikationNew lineage of lichen-forming fungi discoveredPhoto: UHH/SchultzScientists of the Herbarium Hamburgene in collaboration with colleagues from Spain and Sweden discovered a new evolutionary lineage of lichen-forming...Show all news