Sustainable Forest Management approaches to foster Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation interactions (SAFARI 2015 - 2018)
A major objective of both processes - Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) - is to approach their respective issues holistically, taking into account social, economic and ecological issues.
The project “Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) approaches to foster Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) interactions” (SAFARI) collects experiences gained during the implementation of the FLEGT and REDD+ initiatives in selected partner countries and deducts lessons learned from these experiences. SAFARI builds further on existing studies on the differences and commonalities and potential linkages and synergies between REDD+ and FLEGT and other international, forest-related instruments. The Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests (NLBI) is therefore in-line with some of the under-lying objectives of REDD+ and FLEGT policies. Many components of REDD+ and FLEGT can be linked to the concepts of SFM. Options for a common SFM approach to better interrelate and implement the REDD+ and FLEGT processes will be presented. The experiences gained and lessons learned in the participating countries will be presented in a way that will help other countries in developing and implementing their FLEGT and REDD+ strategies.
The overall objective of this project is to strengthen possible links and interactions between the holistic SFM concept and REDD+ and FLEGT policy processes. The project identifies how a holistic SFM concept interlinks and supports REDD+ and FLEGT initiatives; analyzes their current and possible future impacts and foster their operability on all levels; and demonstrates the multiple benefits of SFM.
Project components are:
- Project management, coordination, synthesis and outreach
- Structured review of REDD+, FLEGT, SFM – Identification of case studies, links and gaps
- National Forest Information System (NFIS) for REDD+, FLEGT and SFM – Case study in Suriname/Guyana; and
- Impact of REDD+, FLEGT and SFM at national and local level – Case studies in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Indonesia.
Project countries:
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, Suriname and Guyana
Project implementation:
- European Forest Institute (EFI)
- EFI Project Center SURF (Supporting the Global Implementation of REDD+ and FLEGT)
Project partners:
- Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany (BMEL)
- University of Hamburg, Germany (UHH)
- University of Leuven, Belgium (KU Leuven)
UHH contribution:
- SURF coordination
- Scientific coordination of SAFARI
- Project duration: September 2015 to August 2018
- Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft), Germany
Project status:
- Ongoing
Contact person:
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