Verbundforschung / Drittmittelprojekte
BMBF-funded Research project: SpaCeParti– Coastal Fishery, Biodiversity, Spatial Use and Climate Change: A Participative Approach to navigate the Western Baltic Sea into a Sustainable Future
BMBF-funded Research project: balt_ADAPT – Adaptation of the Western Baltic Coastal Fishery to Climate Change
BMBF-funded Research project: SeaUseTip – Tipping points in the social-ecological system of the North Sea
BMBF-funded Research project: marEEshift – Marine ecological-economic systems in the Western Baltic Sea and beyond: Shifting the baseline to a regime of sustainability
BMBF-funded Research project: HUMBOLDT TIPPING – Social-Ecological Tipping Points of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System, Economic Repercussions and Governance Strategies
Research project funded by the City of Hamburg: AuTagBeoFisch– Autonome Tauchroboter-gestützte Beobachtung von Fischschwärmen
EU-funded (Horizon 2020) Research project: COMFORT– Our common future ocean in the earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating Spaces with respect to tipping points
EU-funded (Horizon 2020) Research project: MISSION ATLANTIC– Towards the Sustainable Development of the Atlantic Ocean
DFG-funded Research Training Group: RTG 2530– RTG2530 Biota-mediated effects on Carbon cycling in Estuaries