Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe
Feng, X., Zheng, J., Irisarri, I., Yu, H., Zheng, B., Ali, Z., de Vries, S. et al. (2024) "Genomes of multicellular algal sisters to land plants illuminate signaling network evolution." Nature Genetics 56: 1018-1031.
Luptakova E, Vigouroux A, Koncitikova R, Kopecna M, Zalabak D, Novak O, Salcedo Sarmiento S, Cavar Zeljkovic S, Kopecny D J, von Schwartzenberg K, Strnad M, Spichal L, De Diego N, Kopecny D, Morera S: Plant nucleoside N-ribohydrolases: riboside binding and role in nitrogen storage mobilization. Plant J (2023)
Feng, X., Zheng, J., Irisarri, I., Yu, H., Zheng, B., Ali, Z., de Vries, S. et al. : Chromosome-level genomes of multicellular algal sisters to land plants illuminate signaling network evolution. bioRxiv preprint (2023)
von Schwartzenberg, K.: Ein virtueller Rundgang durch die Hamburger Algensammlung MZCH – Lebende Algenkulturen als Ausgangspunkt für evolutionsbiologische und ökologische Untersuchungen. Natur und Wissen 18 (19), 19-22 (2022)
Hess S, Williams S.K., Busch A., Irisarri I, Delwiche C.F., de Vries S., Darienko T., Roger A.J., Archibald J.M., Buschmann H.,von Schwartzenberg K., de Vries J.: A phylogenomically informed five-order system for the closest relatives of land plants.
Current Biology 32, 4473–4482 (2022)
Fürst-Jansen J.M.R., Sophie de Vries S., Lorenz M., von Schwartzenberg K., Archibald J.M., de Vries J.: Submergence of the filamentous Zygnematophyceae Mougeotia induces differential gene expression patterns associated with core metabolism and photosynthesis.
Protoplasma 259, 1157-1174 (2022).
Admirasaria R., Hindersin S., von Schwartzenberg K., Hanelt D.: Nutritive capability of anaerobically digested black water increases productivity of Tetradesmus obliquus: Domestic wastewater as an alternative nutrient resource. Bioresource Technology Reports
17, 10090 (2022).
Pfeifer L., Utermöhlen J., Happ K., Permann C., Holzinger A., von Schwartzenberg K., Classen B.: Search for evolutionary roots of land plant arabinogalactan-proteins in charophytes: presence of a rhamnogalactan-protein in Spirogyra pratensis (Zygnematophyceae). The Plant Journal 109, 568–584 (2022)
Granse D., Romeiro Motta M., Suchrow S., von Schwartzenberg K., Schnittger A., Jensen K.: The Overlooked Hybrid: Geographic distribution and niche differentiation between Spartina cytotypes (Poaceae) in wadden sea salt marshes.
Estuaries and Coasts, 1409–1421 (2022)
Bestova H., Segrestin J., v. Schwartzenberg K., Skaloud P., Lenormand T., Violle C.: Biological scaling in green algae: the role of cell size and geometry. Scientific Reports 11, 1442 (2021)
Zhou H., A. Wilkens, Hanelt D., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Expanding the molecular toolbox for Zygnamatophyceae – transient genetic transformation of the Desmid Micrasterias radians var. evoluta. European Journal of Phycology, 56, 51-60 (2020)
De Vries J., de Vries S., Curtis B. A., Zhou H., Penny S., Feussner K., Pinto D. M., Steinert M., Cohen A. M., v. Schwartzenberg K., Archibald J. M.: Heat stress response in the closest algal relatives of land plants reveals conserved stress signaling circuits.
The Plant Journal 103, 1025-1048 (2020)
Zhou, H, K. v. Schwartzenberg: Zygnematophyceae: from living algae collections to the establishment of future models.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 71, 3296–3304 (2020)
Kopečná M., A. Vigouroux, J. Vilím, R. Končitíková, P. Briozzo, E. Hájková, L. Jašková, K. v. Schwartzenberg, M. Šebela, S. Moréra, D. Kopečný: The ALDH21 gene found in lower plants and some vascular plants codes for a NADP+ -dependent succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase. The Plant Journal 92, 229-243 (2017)
Bartels D., Baumann A., Maedera M., Geskea T., Heise E.M., von Schwartzenberg, K., Classen B.: Evolution of plant cell wall: Arabinogalactan-proteins from three moss genera show structural differences compared to seed plants. Carbohydrate Polymers 163, 227-235 (2017)
Lindner A.-C., Schwartzenberg v. K. : Cytokinins (review). eLS., (2016).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Lindner A.-C., Gruhn N., Šimura J., Novák O., Strnad M., Gonneau M., Nogué F., Heyl A.: CHASE domain-containing receptors play an essential role in the cytokinin response of the moss Physcomitrella patens.
J Exp Botany 67, 667-679 (2016),
Lindner A.-C., Lang D., Seifert M., Podlešáková K., Novák O., Strnad M., Reski R., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Isopentenyltransferase-1 knockout in Physcomitrella together with phylogenetic analyses of IPTs provide insights into evolution of plant cytokinin biosynthesis. J Exp Botany, 65, 2533-2543 (2014).
Kopečná M., Blaschke H., Kopečný D., Vigouroux A., Končitíková R., Novák O., Kotland O., Strnad M., Moréra S., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Structure and function of nucleoside hydrolases from Physcomitrella and maize catalyzing hydrolysis of purine, pyrimidine and cytokinin ribosides. Plant Physiol 163, 1568-1583 (2013).
Schwartzenberg v. K.; Bornfleth S., Lindner A.C., Hanelt D.: The Microalgae and Zygnematophyceae Collection Hamburg (MZCH) - living cultures for research on rare streptophytic algae. Algological Studies 142, 77-107 (2013).
Heyl, A., Brault M., Frugier F., Kuderová A., Lindner A.-C., Motyka V., Rashotte A.M, v. Schwartzenberg K., Vankova R., Schaller E.: Nomenclature for members of the two-component signaling pathway of plants. Plant Physiol. 161, 1063-1065 (2013).
Richter, H., Lieberei R., Strnad M., Novak O., Gruz J., Rensing S.A., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Polyphenol oxidases in Physcomitrella - functional PPO1 knockout modulates cytokinin-dependent development in the moss Physcomitrella patens.
J Exp Botany 63, 5121-5135 (2012).
Schoor S., Farrow S., Blaschke H., Lee S., Perry G., v. Schwartzenberg K., Emery N., Moffatt B.: Adenosine kinase contributes to cytokinin interconversion in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol. 157, 659-672 (2011).
Cho, S. H., v. Schwartzenberg K., Quatrano R. S.: The Role of Abscisic Acid in Stress Tolerance. Annual Plant Reviews 36, 282-297 (2009).
Schwartzenberg v. K.: Hormonal regulation by auxin and cytokinin in moss. Annual Plant Reviews 36, 246-281 (2009).
Yevdakova N.A, Motyka V., Malbeck J., Trávnícková A., Novák O., Strnad M., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Evidences for importance of tRNA-dependent cytokinin biosynthetic pathway in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 27, 271-281 (2008).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Fernández Núñez M., Blaschke H., Novak O., Motyka V., Strnad M.: Cytokinins in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens: analyses of activity, distribution, and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase overexpression reveal role of extracellular cytokinins. Plant Physiology 145, 786-800 (2007).
Bjerkeng, B., Peisker M., v. Schwartzenberg K., Ytrestøyl T., Åsgård T.: Digestibility and muscle retention of astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, fed diets with the red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma in comparison with synthetic astaxanthin. Aquaculture 269, 476-489 (2007).
Yevdakova N.A, v. Schwartzenberg K.: Characterisation of a prokaryote-type tRNA-isopentenyltransferase gene from the moss Physcomitrella patens. Planta 226, 683-695 (2007).
Schwartzenberg v. K.: Moss biology and Phytohormones - Cytokinins in Physcomitrella. Plant Biology 8, 382-388 (2006).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Hahn H.: Nutritive stress and cytokinin status in Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies L. Karst.). Annals of Forest Science 62, 449-453 (2005).
Richter H., Lieberei R., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Cloning and characterisation of a polyphenoloxidase from the moss Physcomitrella. Plant Biology 7, 283-291 (2005).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Schulze W., Kassner H.: The moss Physcomitrella patens releases a tetracyclic diterpene. Plant Cell Reports 22, 780-786 (2004).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Pethe C., Laloue M.: Cytokinin metabolism in Physcomitrella patens - differences and similarities to higher plants. Plant Growth Regulation 39, 99-106 (2003).
Schulz P, Hofmann A., Russo V., Hartmann E., Laloue M., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Cytokinin overproducing ove mutants of Physcomitrella show increased riboside to base conversion. Plant Physiol. 126, 1224-1231 (2001).
Moffatt B.A., Wang L., Allen M.S., Stevens Y.Y., Qin W., Snider J ., v. Schwartzenberg K.: Adenosine kinase of Arabidopsis. Kinetic properties and gene expression. Plant Physiol. 124, 1775-1785 (2000).
Schulz P, Reski R., Maldiney R., Laloue M., v Schwartzenberg K.: Kinetics of cyokinin production and bud formation in Physcomitrella: analysis of wild type, a developmental mutant and two of its ipt transgenics. J Plant Physiol. 156, 768-774 (2000).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Kruse S., Reski R., Moffatt B., Laloue M.: Cloning and characterisation of an adenosine kinase from Physcomitrella involved in cytokinin metabolism. The Plant Journal 13, 249-257 (1998).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Doumas P., Bonnet-Masimbert M.: The metabolism of isopentenyladenosine in the roots of Norway spruce seedlings exposed to nutritive stress. Ann. Sci. Forestieres 52, 57-65 (1995).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Bonnet-Masimbert M., Doumas P.: The isolation of two cytokinin metabolites from the rhizosphere of Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies L. Karst.). Plant Growth Regulation 15, 117-124 (1994).
Schwartzenberg v. K., Doumas P., Jouanin L., Pilate G.: Enhancement of the endogenous cytokinin content in poplar by transformation with the T-DNA gene ipt. Tree Physiology 14, 27-35 (1994).
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