Plate J and Tedore C (in press). Behavioral corroboration that Saitis barbipes jumping spiders cannot discriminate between males’ red and black ornaments. The Science of Nature.
Gerfen JL and Tedore C (2024). Hidden in red: Evidence for and against red camouflage in a jumping spider (Saitis barbipes). The Science of Nature 111, 58
Arias M, Dreßler L, Raka A, Behrendt L, Perrier C, Elias M, Gomez D, Renoult JP, Tedore C (accepted). Testing the equivalency of human “predators” and deep neural networks in the detection of cryptic moths. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
Franke S & Schneider JM 2024. Simulating a hybridization event of a range expanding sexual cannibal (Argiope bruennichi). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Tedore C. 2024. A comparison of photographic and spectrometric methods to quantify the colours seen by animal eyes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15, 4-23.
Burke, N. W. and Holwell, G. 2023. Plastic background colour matching in the springbok mantis. Functional Ecology 10.1111/1365-2435.14482
Miller, S. M., Stuart, K. C., Burke, N. W., Rollins, L. A., & Bonduriansky, R. 2024. Genetic and phenotypic consequences of local transitions between sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction in the wild. The American Naturalist, 203(1), 000-000.
Dharmarathne WDSC, McLean, D J, Herberstein ME & Schneider JM 2023. Intraspecific body size variations and allometry of genitalia in the orb-web spider – Argiope lobata. PeerJ, in press
Hardenbicker, M-C, & Tedore, C 2023. Peacock spiders prefer image statistics of average natural scenes over those of male ornamentation. Behavioral Ecology.
Parthasarathy B*, Dumke M*, Herberstein ME, Schneider JM 2023. Male cooperation improves their own and kin-group productivity in a group-foraging spider. Scientific Reports 13:366 (*shared first authorship)
Weiss K., Schneider JM 2023. Pheromone dynamics in virgin and mated females of the sexually cannibalistic orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. Journal of Arachnology, 51(2) : 107-110
Parthasarathy B, Bourchard M, Schneider JM 2022. Extended phenotypes can underlie trade-offs: a case of social spiders. The Nature of Science, 109,
Kappeler P, Benhaiem S, Fichtel C., Fromhage L, Höner OP, Jennions M, Kaiser S., Krüger O, Schneider JM, Tuni T, van Schaik J & Goymann W 2022. Sex roles and adult sex ratios in animals. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
Aceves-Aparacio, A., Narendra A., McLean DJ, Lowe C.E., Christian M., Wolff JO, Schneider J.M., Herberstein M.E. 2022. Fast acrobatic manoeuvres enable arboreal spiders to hunt dangerous prey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 119 (40) e2205942119
Parthasarathy B, Müller M, Bilde T, Schneider JM. 2022. Hunger state and not among-Individual differences in personality determines task participation in a spider society. Animal Behaviour 190: 143-152.
Tedore C, Tedore K, Westcott, D, Suttner C, & Nilsson D-E (2022). The role of detectability in the evolution of avian-dispersed fruit color. Vision Research, 196, 108046
Weiss K, Schneider JM 2022. Female sex pheromone emission is affected by body condition but not immune system function in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. Ethology 128: 471–481.
Aceves-Aparacio, A, McLean DJ, Wild .K, Schneider JM, Herberstein ME 2022. Novel decorating behaviour of silk retreats in a challenging habitat. PeerJ, 10:e12839
Weiss K., Schneider J.M. 2022. Strategic pheromone signalling by mate searching females of the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope bruennichi. Royal Society Open Science 8: 211806.
Gebraulet M, Möllerke A, Weiss K, Chinta S,. Schneider JM, Schulz S. 2022. Identification of the cuticular and web lipids of the spider Argiope bruennichi. Journal of Chemical Ecology,
Glenszczyk M*, Outomuro D*, Gregorič M, Kralj-Fišer S, Schneider JM, Nilsson DE, Morehouse NI, Tedore C (2022). The jumping spider Saitis barbipes lacks a red photoreceptor to see its own sexually dimorphic red coloration. The Science of Nature 109:6. *co-first authors
Arias M, Leroy L, Madec C, Matos L, Tedore C, Elias M, Gomez D (2021). Partial wing transparency works better when disrupting wing edges: evidence from a field experiment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34, 1840-1846.
Weiss K., Schneider J.M. 2021. Family-specific chemical profiles provide potential kin recognition cues in the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope bruennichi. Biology Letters 17: 1720210260,
Lissowsky N., Kralj-Fišer S., & Schneider J.M. 2021. Giant and dwarf females: how to explain the 4-fold variation in body size and fecundity in Trichonephila senegalensis (Aranea: Nephilidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133: 1016-1030,
Kralj-Fišer S., Schneider J.M.. Kuntner M., Laskowski K.L., Garcia-Gonzalez F. 2021. The genetic architecture of behavioral traits in a spider. Ecology & Evolution 00:1–12.
Tedore C. and Nilsson D.E. 2021. Ultraviolet vision aids the detection of nutrient-dense non-signaling plant foods. Vision Research 183, 16-29,
Tuni C., Schneider J.M., Uhl G., Herberstein M.E. 2020. Sperm competition when transfer is dangerous. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375: 20200073.
Weiss K., Ruch J., Zimmer S.M. & Schneider J.M. 2020. Does sexual cannibalism secure genetic benefits of polyandry in a size-dimorphic spider? Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 74: 110
Cory, A., Schneider, J.M. 2020. Males of a sexually cannibalistic spider chemically assess relative female quality. BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 90.
Abel C., Schneider J.M., Cheng, R.C., Kuntner M., Harms D. 2020. Phylogeography of the “cosmopolitan” orb-weaver Argiope trifasciata (Araneae: Araneidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,
Cordellier M.A., Schneider J.M., Uhl G., Posnien N 2020. Sex differences in spiders: from phenotype to genomics. Development, Genes and Evolution, 230:155–172
Burdfield-Steel Emily R., Schneider J.M., Mappes J, Dobler S. 2020. Testing the effectiveness of pyrazine defenses against spiders. Chemoecology, online DOI: 10.1007/s00049-020-00305-5
Neumann R. Schneider J.M. 2020. Males sacrifice their legs to pacify aggressive females in a sexually cannibalistic spider. Animal Behaviour, 159: 59-67
Krehenwinkel H., Meese S., Mayer C., Ruch J., Schneider J., Bilde J., Künzel S., Henderson J., Russack J., Simison W.B., Gillespie R., Uhl G. 2019. Cost effective microsatellite isolation and genotyping by high throughput sequencing. Journal of Arachnology, 47:190–201
Funghi, C, McCowan, LSC, Schuett, W & SC Griffith (2019) High air temperatures induce temporal, spatial and social changes in the foraging behaviour of wild zebra finches. Animal Behaviour, 149. pp. 33-43. ISSN 0003-3472
Homburg, K., Drees, C., Boutaud, E., Nolte, D., Schuett, W., Zumstein, P., von Ruschkowski, E., & Assmann, T. (2019) Where have all the beetles gone? Long-term study reveals carabid species decline in a nature reserve in Northern Germany. Insect Conservation and Diversity.
Buck, T., Bruchmann, I., Zumstein, P. & C. Drees (2019) Just a small bunch of flowers: the botanical knowledge of students and the positive effects of courses in plant identification at German universities. PeerJ.
Brandl, H.B., Griffith, S.C., Schuett, W. (2019) Wild zebra finches choose neighbours for synchronized breeding. Animal Behaviour. 151, 21-28
Brandl, H.B., Griffith, S.C., Laaksonen, T., Schuett, W. (2019) Begging calls provide social cues for prospecting conspecifics in wild zebra finches. The Auk 136, 1-13
van Dongen, W.F.D., White, J., Brandl, H.B., Leclaire, S., Hatch, S.A., Danchin, E., Wagner, R.H. (2019) Experimental evidence of a sexually transmitted infection in a wild vertebrate, the black-legged kittiwake. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society .
Brandl, H.B. & Farine, D.R., Funghi, C., Schuett, W., Griffith, S.C. (2019) Early-life social environment predicts social network position in wild zebra finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 286.
Scherer, U & W Schuett (2018) No male mate choice for female boldness in a bi-parental West African cichlid, the rainbow krib (Pelvicachromis pulcher). PeerJ, 6. e5373 1-19. ISSN 2167-8359
Dumke M., Herberstein, M.E. & J.M. Schneider (2018). Advantages of social foraging in crab spiders: Groups capture more and larger prey despite the absence of a web. Ethology,
Cory A.L. & J.M. Schneider (2018). Mate availability does not influence mating strategies in males of the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope bruennichi. PeerJ 6:e5360
Cory A.L. & J.M. Schneider (2018). Effects of social information on life-history and mating tactics of males in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. Ecology and Evolution 8:344–355.,
Ruthsatz, K., Dausmann, K, H., Drees, C., Peck, M., Sabatino, N., Becker, L., Reese, J., Hartmann, L., Glos, J. (2018) Thyroid hormone levels and temperature during development alter thermal tolerance and energetics in larvae of Xenopus laevis. Conservation Physiology 6, coy059.
Ruthsatz K, Sabatino NM, Becker LI, Reese J, Hartmann L, Drees C, Peck MA, Dausmann KH, Glos J (2018) Altered thyroid hormone levels affect body condition at metamorphosis in amphibian larvae. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 38, 1416-1425.
Steinhoff, P.O.M., Sombke A., Liedtke J., Schneider J.M., Harzsch S. & G. Uhl (2017). Early environmental conditions affect the volume of higher integrating brain centers in a jumping spider. Journal of Zoology 304: 182–192, https://doi:10.1111/jzo.12512
Brandl, H.B., Griffith, S.C. & W. Schuett (2018). Wild zebra finches do not use social information from conspecific reproductive success for nest site choice and clutch size decisions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72, 114. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-018-2533-3
Scherer, U, Kuhnhardt, M* & W Schuett (2018). Predictability is attractive: Female preference for behaviourally consistent males but no preference for the level of male aggression in a bi-parental cichlid. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195766. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195766
Schuett, W, Delfs, B*, Haller, R*, Kruber, S*, Roolfs, S*, Timm, D*, Willmann, M* & C Drees (2018). Ground beetles in city forests: Does urbanization predict a personality trait? PeerJ 6, e4360. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4360
Hämäläinen, A, Immonen, E, Tarka, M & W Schuett (2018). Evolution of sex-specific pace-of-life syndromes: causes and consequences. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72(3), 50. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-018-2466-x
Immonen, E, Hämäläinen, A, Schuett, W & M Tarka (2018). Evolution of sex-specific pace-of-life syndromes: genetic architecture and physiological mechanisms. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 60. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-018-2462-1
Assmann, T, Boutaud, E, Buse, J, Gebert, J, Drees, C, Friedman, A-L-L, . . . P Zumstein (2018). The tiger beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) of the southern Levant and adjacent territories: from cybertaxonomy to conservation biology. ZooKeys, 734. doi:10.3897/zookeys.734.21989
Neumann R., Ruppel N. & Schneider J.M. (2017) Fitness implications of sex-specific catch-up growth in Nephila senegalensis, a spider with extreme reversed SSD. PeerJ 5: e4050
Deventer S. A., Herberstein M. E., Mayntz D., O’Hanlon J.C. & J. M. Schneider (2017). Female fecundity and offspring survival are not increased through sexual cannibalism in the spider Larinioides sclopetarius. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, early view https://doi:10.1111/jeb.13178
Liedtke J. & J.M. Schneider (2017). Social makes smart: Rearing conditions affect learning and social behaviour in jumping spiders. Animal Cognition, 20 (6), 1093-1106, https://doi:10.1007/s10071-017-1125-3
Wilder S.M. & J.M. Schneider (2017). Micronutrient consumption by female Argiope bruennichi affects offspring survival. Journal of Insect Physiology 100: 128-132,
Scherer, U, Godin, J-G J & W Schuett (2017). Validation of 2D-animated pictures as an investigative tool in the behavioural sciences – a case study with a West African cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis pulcher. Ethology 123, 560-570. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12630
Scherer, U, Kuhnhardt, M & W Schuett (2017). Different or alike? Female rainbow kribs choose males of similar consistency and dis-similar level of boldness. Animal Behaviour 128, 117-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.04.007
Schuett, W, Nava, TF, Rahmlow, T & U Scherer (2017). Artificial Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) tags of different colour and symmetry do not influence mate choice in a cichlid. Behaviour 154, 387-402. DOI: 10.1163/1568539X-00003427
Schuett, W, Järvistö, PE, Calhim, S, Velmala, W & T Laaksonen (2017). Nosy neighbours: large broods attract more visitors. A field experiment in the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca. Oecologia 184(1), 115-126. DOI:10.1007/s00442-017-3849-9
Ivakov, A, Flis, A, Apelt, F, Fünfgeld, M, Scherer, U, Stitt, M, Kragler, F, Vissenberg, K, Persson, S, Suslov, D (2017). Cellulose synthesis and cell expansion are regulated by different mechanisms in growing Arabidopsis hypocotyls. The Plant Cell 29(5). DOI: 10.1105/tpc.16.00782
Assmann, T, Boutaud, E, Drees, C, Marcus, T, Nolte, D, Starke, W, Terlutter, H, Völler, E & P Zumstein (2017): Two new Lebistina Motschulsky, 1864 species from Kenya and Tanzania (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini). – African Invertebrates, 58(1) 9-21
Birkhöfer, K, Gossner, M, Diekötter, T, Drees, C, Ferlian, O, Maraun, M, Scheu, S, Weisser, WW, Wolters, V, Wurst, S, Zaitsev, A, Smith, H (2017). Land-use type and intensity differentially filter traits in above- and belowground arthropod communities. Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI:
Griffith, SC, ...., Schuett, W, et al. (2017). Variation in reproductive success across captive populations: methodological differences, potential biases and opportunities. Ethology 123 (1), 1-29. DOI:10.1111/eth.12576
Hirt K, Ruch J & Schneider JM (2017). Strategic male mating behaviour in Argiope lobata. Animal Behaviour 124: 27-34.
Steinhoff POM, Sombke A, Liedtke J, Schneider JM, Harzsch S & Uhl G (2017). The synganglion of the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa (Arachnida: Salticidae): insights from histology, immunohistochemistry and microCT analysis. Arthropod Structure & Development,
Kuntner M., Cheng R-C, Kralj-Fišer S, Schneider JM & Elgar MA (2016). Genital evolution, mating rates, and sexual conflict in size dimorphic spiders. BMC Evolutionary Ecology, 16:242, DOI: 10.1186/s12862-016-0821-y
Drees, C, Husemann, M, Homburg, K, Brandt, P, Dieker, P, Habel, JC, Von Wehrden, H, Zumstein, P & Assmann, T (2016) Molecular analyses and species distribution models indicate cryptic northern mountain refugia for a forest-dwelling ground beetle. Journal of Biogeography. 43 (11), 2223-2236. DOI:10.1111/jbi.12828
Neumann R & Schneider JM (2016) Socially cued developmental plasticity in web-building spiders. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16:170; DOI 10.1186/s12862-016-0736-7
Scherer, U, Buck, M, & Schuett, W (2016). Lateralisation in agonistic encounters: do mirror tests reflect aggressive behaviour? A study on a West African cichlid. Journal of Fish Biology 89 (3), 1866-1872. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13069
Preik O, Schneider J.M, Uhl G. & P Michalik (online). Transition from monogyny to polygyny in Nephila senegalensis (Araneae: Nephilidae) is not accompanied by increased investment in sperm. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, DOI: 10.1111/bij.12863
Järvisto, PE, Calhim, S, Schuett, W, Sirkiä, PM, Velmala, W & T Laaksonen (2016). Carry-over effects of conditions at the wintering grounds on breeding plumage signals in a migratory bird: roles of phenotypic plasticity and selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29 (8), 1569-1584. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12892
Moks, K, Tilgar, V, Thomson, RL, Calhim, S, Järvistö, P, Schuett, W, Velmala, W & T Laaksonen (2016) Predator encounters have spatially extensive impacts on parental behaviour in a breeding bird community. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283, 20160020. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0020
Cory A.L. & J.M. Schneider (2016) Old maids have more appeal: Effects of age and pheromone source on mate attraction in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. PeerJ 4:e1877. doi 10.7717/peerj.1877
Dumke, M.; Herberstein, M.E.; Schneider, J.M. 2016. Scrounging or producing: individual feeding tactics change with group size in a communally foraging spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160114
Zimmer S.M. & J.M. Schneider (2016) Fine-scale spatial population structure suggests modest risk of inbreeding in natural populations of Argiope bruennichi. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17: 35–51
Schneider J.M., Zimmer S.M., Gatz A., K. Sauerland (2016) Context and state dependent male mate choice in Argiope bruennichi. Ethology 122:257-266, doi: 10.1111/eth.12466
Järvistö, PE, Calhim, S, Schuett, W, Velmala, W & T Laaksonen (2016) Sex-dependent responses to increased parental effort in the pied flycatcher. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70 (1), 157-169. doi 10.1007/s00265-015-2034-6
Uhl G., Zimmer S.M., Renner D., Schneider J.M. (2015) Exploiting a moment of weakness: male spiders escape sexual cannibalism by copulating with molting females. Scientific Reports, 5:16928, doi: 10.1038/srep16928
Assmann, T., Austin, K., Boutaud, E., Buse, J., Chikatunov, V., Drees, C., Felix, R.F.F.L., Friedman, A.L.L., Khoury, F., Marcus, T., Renan, I., Schmidt, C. & Wrase, D.W. (2015) The ground beetle supertribe Zuphiitae in the southern Levant (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Spixiana, 38, 237-262.
Assmann, T., Boutaud, E., Buse, J., Chikatunov, V., Drees, C., Friedman, A.L.L., Härdtle, W., Homburg, K., Marcus, T., Renan, I. & Wrase, D.W. (2015) The ground beetle tribe Cyclosomini s.l. in Israel (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Spixiana, 38, 49-69.
Järvisto, PE, Calhim, S, Schuett, W, Velmala, W & T Laaksonen (2015). Foster, but not genetic, father plumage coloration has a temperature-dependent effect on offspring quality. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69(2), 335-346. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-014-1846-0.
Lammertink, M., Kopuchian, C., Brandl, H.B., Tubaro, P.L., Winkler, H. (2015). A striking case of deceptive woodpecker colouration: the threatened Helmeted Woodpecker Dryocopus galeatus belongs in the genus Celeus. Journal of Ornithology: DOI: 10.1007/s10336-015-1254-x
Liedtke, J, Redekop, D, Schneider, JM & W Schuett (2015). Early environmental conditions shape personality types in a jumping spider. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00134
Marcus, T., Boch, S., Durka, W., Fischer, M., Gossner, M.M., Müller, J., Schöning, I., Weisser, W.W., Drees, C*. & Assmann, T*. (2015) Living in heterogeneous woodlands – Are habitat continuity or quality drivers of genetic variability in a flightless ground beetle? PLoS ONE, 10, e0144217. *shared last authorship.
Neumann R. & J. M. Schneider (2015) Differential investment and size-related mating strategies facilitate extreme size variation in contesting male spiders. Animal Behaviour 101: 107-115
Ruch J, Riehl T, May-Collado LJ & Agnarsson I (2015). Multiple origins of subsociality in crab spiders (Thomisidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82, Part A, 330–340. DOI 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.10.015
Ruch J., Dumke M. & J.M: Schneider (2015) Social network structure in group-feeding spiders. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 6: DOI 10.1007/s00265-015-1955-4
Schneider J.M., Uhl G. & M.E. Herberstein (2015) Cryptic female choice within the genus Argiope: a comparative approach. IN: CRYPTIC FEMALE CHOICE IN ARTHROPODS: Patterns, Mechanisms and Prospects (Eds. A. V. Peretti & A. Aisenberg). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg
Schuett, W, Dall, SRX, Kloesener, MH, Baeumer, J, Beinlich, F & T Eggers (2015). Life-history trade-offs mediate ‘personality’ variation in two colour morphs of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Journal of Animal Ecology 84(1), 90-101. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12263
Schuett, W, Koegl, B, Dall, SRXD & T Laaksonen (2015). Do pied flycatchers use personal or social information for replacement clutch decisions? A field experiment. Ethology 121 (7), 686-693. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12381
Assmann, T., Drees, C., Härdtle, W., Klein, A., Schuldt, A. & von Oheimb, G. (2014) Ökosystem und Biodiversität. Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften (ed. by H. Heinrichs & G. Michelsen), pp. 147-174. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Brandl, H.B., van Dongen, W.F.D., Darolová, A., Krištofík, J., Majtan, J., Hoi, H. (2014) Composition of bacterial assemblages in different components of reed warbler nests and a possible role of egg incubation in pathogen regulation. PLoS ONE 9(12):e114861
González-Tokman D, Ruch J, Pulpitel T, Ponton F (2014). Cuticular antifungals in spiders: density- and condition dependence. PlosONE 9 (3), e91785.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091785
Herberstein M.E., Wignall A., Hebets E. & Schneider J.M. (2014) Dangerous mating systems: signal complexity, signal content and neural capacity in spiders. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 46:509-518.
Homburg, K., Brandt, P., Drees, C. & Assmann, T. (2014) Evolutionarily significant units in a flightless ground beetle show different climate niches and high extinction risk due to climate change. Journal of Insect Conservation, 18, 781-790.
Kleinteich A., Wilder S. & J.M. Schneider (2014) Contributions of juvenile and adult diet to the lifetime reproductive success and lifespan of a spider. Oikos 124: 130-138
Kralj-Fišer*, S & W Schuett* (2014). Studying personality variation in invertebrates – why bother? Animal Behaviour, 91, 41-52. *shared first authorship.
Krasheninnikova A & JM Schneider (2014). Testing cognitive capacities: Differences between individual testing and social group setting? Animal Cognition 17: 1227-1232
Liedtke, J & Schneider, JM (2014) Association and reversal learning abilities in a jumping spider. Behavioural Processes, 103: 192-198.
Ruch J, Herberstein ME & Schneider JM (2014). Families hunt more successfully: effect of group composition on hunting and communal feeding. Animal Behaviour 91, 170-177, DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.03.013
Ruch J, Herberstein ME & Schneider JM (2014). Offspring dynamics affect food provisioning, growth and mortality in a brood-caring spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20132108
Ruch J, Riehl T & Michalik P (2014). Re-description of Xysticus bimaculatus Koch, 1867 (Araneae, Thomisidae) and characterization of its subsocial lifestyle. Zookeys 427: 1-19. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.427.7450
Schneider J.M. (2014) Sexual cannibalism as a manifestation of sexual conflict. Sexual conflict (ed Rice B & S Gavrilets). Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 6(11):a017731 doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017731
Wolff J. O., J.M. Schneider and S. N. Gorb (2014) How to pass the gap - Functional morphology and biomechanics of spider bridging threads. Biologically-Inspired Systems Vol 5: Biotechnology of Silks. (Ed. Tetsuo Asakura & Tom Miller), pp 165-177
Zimmer S.M., Krehenwinkel H. & J.M. Schneider (2014) Rapid range expansion is not restricted by inbreeding in a sexually cannibalistic spider. PlosOne 9 (4) e95963
Zimmer S.M., Schneider J.M. & M.E. Herberstein (2014) Can male spiders detect the strength of sperm competition and risk of genital plugs when choosing between females? Behavioural Ecology 25: 716-722, doi:10.1093/beheco/aru045
Dieker, P., Drees, C., Schmitt, T. & Assmann, T. (2013) Low genetic diversity of a high mountain burnet moth species in the Pyrenees. Conservation Genetics, DOI: 10.1003/s10592-012-0424-0
Homburg, K., Drees, C., Gossner, M.M., Rakosy, L., Vrezec, A. & Assmann, T. (2013) Multiple Glacial Refugia of the Low-Dispersal Ground Beetle Carabus irregularis: Molecular Data Support Predictions of Species Distribution Models. PloS ONE, 8, e61185.
Kralj-Fišer S., Sanguino Mostajo G.A., Preik O., Pekar S., Schneider J.M. (2013). Assortative mating by aggressiveness type in orb-weaving spiders. Behavioural Ecology 24: 824-831
Kralj-Fiser, S., Schneider, J.M. & M. Kuntner (2013) Challenging the aggressive spillover hypothesis: is pre-copulatory sexual cannibalism a part of a behavioural syndrome? Ethology 119: 615-623
Marcus, T., Assmann, T., Durka, W. & Drees, C. (2013) A suite of multiplexed microsatellite loci for the ground beetle Abax parallelepipedus (Piller and Mitterpacher, 1783) (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5, 1151-1156.
Schuett, W, Dall, SRX, Wilson, AJ & NJ Royle (2013). Environmental transmission of a personality trait: Foster parent exploration behaviour predicts offspring exploration behaviour in zebra finches. Biology Letters 20130120.
Unglaub B, Ruch J, Herberstein ME & Schneider JM (2013) Hunted hunters? Effect of group size on predation risk and growth in the Australian subsocial crab spider Diaea ergandros. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 67 (5), 785-794
Assmann, T., Buse, J., Chikatunov, V., Drees, C., Friedman, A.-L.-L., Härdtle, W., Levanony, T., Renan, I., Seyfferth, A. & Wrase, D.W. (2012) The ground beetle tribe Trechini in Israel and adjacent regions. Spixiana, 35, 139-208.
Fromhage L. & J.M. Schneider (2012). A mate to die for? A model of conditional monogyny in cannibalistic spiders. Ecology and Evolution 2: 2577-87, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.372
Habel, J.C., Reuter, M., Schmitt, T., Drees, C. & Pfaender, J. (2012) Does isolation trigger fluctuating asymmetry in the endangered Red Apollo? Journal of Insect Conservation, 16 (4), DOI 10.1007/s10841-011-9442-3
Herberstein M.E., Wignall A.E., Nessler S.H., Harmer A.M.T. & Schneider J.M. (2012) How effective and persistent are fragments of male genitalia as mating plugs? Behavioural Ecology 23: 1140-1145
Homburg, K., Schuldt, A., Drees, C. & Assmann, T. (2012) Broad-scale geographic patterns in body size and hind wing development of western Palaearctic ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Ecography, DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2012.07488.x
Kralj-Fiser S. & J.M. Schneider (2012) Individual behavioural consistency and plasticity in an urban spider. Animal Behaviour 84: 197-204
Kralj-Fiser, S., Schneider, J.M., Justinek, Ĺ., Kalin, S., Gregoric, M., Kuntner, M. (2012) Mate quality, not aggressive spillover, explains sexual cannibalism in a size dimorphic spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 145-151, DOI 10.1007/s00265-011-1262-7
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