Research Group Dr. Christoph Reisdorff
to the research group “Ecophysiology and Stress”. Plants possess manifold physiological and morphological mechanisms to adapt to changes of environmental conditions. The reaction strategies to cope with suboptimal or stressful site conditions vary between species and even individuals within the same population can differ with regard to their qualitative or quantitative adaptations. In present times climate change is becoming a principal challenge to the adaptability of plants. In their different habitats plants must cope e.g. with changing flooding regimes (with respect to structural changes of the vegetation at coastal zones as consequence of sea level rise) and prolonged summer droughts (due to a reduced quantity and an altered distribution of precipitation). Respective plant adaptations are interacting with the influence of increased temperatures und rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations which also impact the plants’ physiological homeostasis. Our interest is on the one hand to contribute to a mechanistic understanding of plant reactions on stressful conditions, and on the other hand to assess the changed functional identity of stress adapted plants in the context of ecosystem function.