Maxi Bergmann

Foto: UHH/Bergmann
Doktorandin / Doctoral Researcher
Funktionelle Waldökologie / Functional Forest Ecology
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
Fachbereich Biologie
Institut für Holzwissenschaften
Funktionelle Waldökologie
Ohnhorststraße 18
22609 Hamburg
Raum: 3.012
Tel.: +49 40 42816-519
E-Mail: maxi.bergmann"AT"
- Carbon cycling in riparian alluvial forests (tidal and non-tidal influenced)
- Surplus carbon hypotheses as driver for carbon allocation, root exudation and respiration
- alluvial tree species responses to global changes (e.g. flooding, rising temperature, drought)
- Plant-soil interaction
- Soil microbial community (diversity, composition, microbial activity)
- Member of the RTG2530: Biota-mediated effects on carbon cycling in estuaries