Elch Erwin empfiehlt: Paper der Woche
22. April 2020, von Kathrin Oppermann

Foto: Kathrin Dausmann
Das AG-Treffen der Funktionellen Ökologie findet jeden Donnerstag um 10:00 Uhr in der Elch-Lounge oder im Semiarraum der Ökologie statt. Wir besprechen dabei Neuigkeiten aus Forschungsprojekten und Veröffentlichungen, oder durchkämmen altbewährte Grundlagen. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen!
An diesem Donnerstag besprechen wir das paper von Cooper et al. (2020) Effect of acute exposure to high ambient temperature on the thermal, metabolic and hygric physiology of a small desert bird
Bereits gelesene paper und Kapitel
Boyles et al. (2020) Optimal hibernation theory
Buckley et al. (2018) Does metabolism constrain bird and mammal ranges and predict shifts in response to climate change?
Boyles et al. (2019) An oversimplification of physiological principles leads to flawed macroecological analyses
Turner (2020): The interrelationship between torpor expression and nest site use of western and eastern pygmy -possums (Cercartetus spp.)
Gregorio et al. ( 2019) Linking diet quality and energy demand in free-living guanacos: an eco-phsiological innovative approach.
Nicol et al. (2019) Energetics meets sexual conflict: the Phenologie of hibernation in Tasmanian echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus).
Lane et al. (2012) Delayed phenology and reduced fitness associated with climate change in a
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Radschuk et al. (2019) Adaptive responses fo animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
Treat et al. (2018) Extreme physiological palsticity in a hibernating basoendothermic mammal, Tenrec ecaudatus.
Purves et al. Kapitel 22-34.
Simmen and Rasaminanana (2017) Energy (Im-) Balance in frugivorous lemurs in southern Madagascar: a preliminary study in Lemur catta and Eulemur rufifrons x collaris.
Santicchia et al. (2018) Stress in biological invasions: Introduced invasive grey squirrels increase physiological stress in native Eurasian red squirrels.
Schmidt et al. (2018) Stakeholder Involvement in Transdisciplinary Research. Lessons from Three Projects on Sustainable Land Management in a North-South Setting
Tattersall (2007) Madagascar´s lemurs: cryptic diversity or taxonomic inflation.
Cooper et al. (2018) Geographical variation in the standard physiology of brushtail possums (Trichosurus): implications for conservation translocations.
Johnson & Munshi-South (2017) Evolution of life in urban environments.
Welman et al. (2017) Using thermoregulatory profiles to assess climate change vulnerability in an arboreal tropical bat: heterothermy may be a pre-adaptive advantage.
Riek et al. (2017) Seasonal changes in energy expenditure, body temperature and activity patterns in Ilamas (Lama glama) .
O´Mara et al. (2018) Heart rate reveals torpor at high body temperatures in lowland tropical free-tailed bats.
Erdsack et al. (2018) Heat flux in manatees: an individual matter and a novel approach to assess and monitor the thermal state of Florida manatees.
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McKechnie (2012) Interspecific variation in thermoregulation among three sympatric bats inhabiting a hot, semi-arid environment.
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Pettett et al. (2017) Daily energy expenditure in the face of predation: hedgehog energetics in rural landscapes. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 460-468
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