Research Group Dr. Ilka Sötje
Scientific emphasis of the the research group is the taxon Cnidaria. The permanent cultivation of polyps of about 30 species and the rearing and keeping of ephyrae and medusae is a very important basis for our research activities.
Life cycle, nematocytes and particularly equilibrium sense organs with statoliths are objects of intense investigations. Focus is the elucidation of structural differences and phylogenetical relationships within the Rhopaliophora (Scyphozoa + Cubozoa).
We use lightmicroscopical (slide scanning), fluorescencemicroscopical, electronmicroscopical and microtomografical technics for our investigations. A very important method is the 3D-visualisation with AVIZO.
The research group offers possibilities to undertake experimental courses and degree thesis for bachelor and master; topics will be connected to ongoing projects.