Neupane, P. M., Gauli, A., KC, R., Poudel, B. S., Köhl, M.. “Species-Specific Response to Climate Change: Evident through Retrospective Analysis Using Tree Ring Data”. Forests 14(4). (2023): S. 737.zum Artikel
Martes, L. M., Köhl, M.. “Improving the Contribution of Forests to Carbon Neutrality under Different Policies—A Case Study from the Hamburg Metropolitan Area”. Sustainability 14(4) (2022) zum Artikel
Gauli, A., Neupane, P.R., Mundhenk, P., Köhl, M.. “Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of Tree Species: Dendroclimatological Analysis ”. Forests 13 (4) (2022): S. 496.zum Artikel
Knauf, M.; Köhl, M.. “Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen Forstwirtschaft? ”. AFZ 4 (2022): S. 37-38.
Köhl, M., Lotfiomran, N., Gauli, A.. “Influence of Local Climate and ENSO on the Growth of Cedrela odorata L. in Suriname”. Atmosphere 2022, 13(7). (2022) zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Trepkau, B.. “ISO/TC 287: Nachhaltige Prozesse für Holz und Holzprodukte”. DIN Mitteilungen 8: 27. (2022)
Lier, M., Köhl, M., Korhonen, K.T., Linser, S., Prins, K., Talarczyk, A.. “The New EU Forest Strategy for 2030: A New Understanding of Sustainable Forest Management?”. 13(2). (2022): S. 245.zum Artikel
Linser, S., Köhl, M., Lier, K., Prins, K.. “Europas Wälder – ein Zustandsbericht”. 132 (7) (2021): S. 16-18.
Lier, M., Köhl, M., Korhonen, K.T., Linser, S., Prins, K.. “Forest relevant targets in EU policy instruments - can progress be measured by the pan-European criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management? ”. Forest Policy and Economics 128 (2021) zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Linser, S., Prins, K., Talarczyk, A.. “The EU climate package “Fit for 55” - a double-edged sword for Europeans and their forests and timber industry”. Forest Policy and Economics 132 (2021)
Darjee, K.B.; Neupane, P. R.; Köhl, M. “Do local perceptions of climate variability and changes correspond to observed climate changes? – a comparative study from Nepal as one of the most climate vulnerable countries.”. Weather, Climate and Society (2021) zum Artikel
Darjee, K.B., Sunam, R.K., Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R.. “Do National Policies Translate into Local Actions? Analyzing Coherence between Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Implications for Local Adaptation in Nepal”. Sustainability 13 (2021) zum Artikel
Konersmann, C., Noromiarilanto, F., Ratovonamana, Y. R., Brinkmann, K., Jensen, K., Kobbe, S., Köhl, M., Kuebler, D., Lahann, P., Steffens, K. J. E., Ganzhorn, J. U.. “Using Utilitarian Plants for Lemur Conservation”. International Journal of Primatology (2021)
Olschofsky, K., Köhl, M.. “Rapid Fied Assessment of CITES Timber Species by Deep Learning”. Trees, Forests and People (2) (2020) zum Artikel
Neupane, P., Gauli, A., Mundhenk, P., Köhl, M.. “Developing indicators for participatory forest biodiversity monitoring systems in South Sumatra”. International Forest Review 22(4) (2020): S. 464-484.zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Ehrhart, H-P., Knauf, M., Neupane, P.R.. “A viable indicator approach for assessing sustainable forest management in terms of carbon emissions and removals”. (2020) zum Artikel
Gräfe, S., Köhl, M.. “Impacts of Future Crop Tree Release Treatments on Forest Carbon as REDD+ Mitigation Benefits”. Land 2020 (2020): S. 9(10), 394.zum Artikel
Gräfe, S., Eckelmann, C.-M., Playfair, M., Oatham, M. P., Pacheco, R., Bremner, Q., Köhl, M.. “Recovery times and sustainability in logged-over natural forests in the Caribbean”. Forests (11) (2020): S. 256.
Gräfe, S., Eckelmann, C.-M., Playfair, M., Oatham, M. P., Pacheco, R., Bremner, Q., Köhl, M.. “Future crop tree release treatments in neotropical forests – an empirical study on the sensitivity of the economic profitability”. Forest Policy and Economics 121 (2020)
Creydt, M., Ludwig, L., Köhl, M., Fromm, J., Fischer, M.. “Wood profiling by non-targeted high-resolution mass spectrometry: Part 1, Metabolite profiling in Cedrela wood for the determination of the geographical origin”. Journal of Chromatography A (2020)
Butarbutar, T., Soedirman, S., Neupane, P. R., Köhl, M. “Carbon recovery following selective logging in tropical rainforests in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Forest Ecosystems 6, 36”. (2019)
Steidinger, B. S., Crowther, T.W., Liang, J., Köhl, M.. “Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses”. Nature 569 (2019): S. 404.
Neupane, P.R., Wiati, C.B., Angi, E.M., Köhl, M., Butarbutar, T., Reonaldus, Gauli, A.. “How REDD+ and FLEGT-VPA processes are contributing towards SFM in Indonesia - the specialists' viewpoint”. International Forestr Review 21 (2019): S. 460-485.
Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R., Mundhenk, P.. “REDD+ measurement, reporting and verification – A cost trap? Implications for financing REDD+MRV costs by result-based payments”. Ecological Economics 168 (2019) zum Artikel
Härkönen, S., Neumann, M., Mues, V., Berninger, F., Bronisz, K., Cardellini, G., Chirici, G., Hasenauer, H., Köhl, M., Lang, M., Merganicova, K., Mohren, F., Moiseyev, A., Moreno, A., Mura, M., Muys, B., Olschofsky, K., Del Perugia, B., Rørstad, P.K., Solberg, B., Thivolle-Cazat, A., Trotsiuk, V., Mäkelä, A.. “A climate-sensitive forest model for assessing impacts of forest management in Europe”. Environmental Modelling & Software 115 (2019): S. 128-143.
Cuong, N.D., Mues, V., Köhl, M.. “Facilitating objective forest land use decisions by site classification and tree growth modeling: a case study from Vietnam”. iForest 12 (2019): S. 542-550.
Köhl, M.; Möllmann, C.; Fromm, J.; Kraus, G.; Mues, V.. “Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei”. Hamburger Klimabericht - Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg. Hg. von Storch, H.; Meinke, I.; Claussen, M.. Springer Spektrum, 2018
Köhl, M., Mundhenk, P., Neupane, P. R., Pekkarinen, A. “How the forests in central and northern Asia are changing? A snapshot of the results of the UN FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment 2015. In: Mueller, L., Sychev, V. G. (Eds.), Landscapes in the 21st Century: Status, Analysis, Basic Processes and Research Concepts. Vol. I, Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow”. (2018)
Maraseni,T. N., Deo, R.C., Qu, J., Gentle, P., Neupane, P. R. “An international comparison of rice consumption behaviours and greenhouse gas emissions from rice produktion. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 2288-2300”. (2018)
Köhl, M., Butarbutar, T., Neupane, P.R., Mues, V. “Kann Tropenwald klimaneutral gerechnet werden? AFZ Der Wald 10, 16-19”. (2018)
Köhl, M., Kirschner, M.. “Nachweis unterschiedlichster Produkteigenschaften: ISO 38200 – Internationaler Standard zur Zertifizierung der Lieferketten von Holz und Holzprodukten”. Holzzentralblatt 145(44). (2018): S. 965-966.
Di Lallo, G., Mundhenk, P., Zamora López, S., Marchetti, M., Köhl, M.. “REDD+: Quick assessment of deforestation risk based on available data.”. Forests 8 (1). (2017): S. 29.zum Artikel
Neupane, P.R., Maraseni, T.N., Köhl, M.. “Sugarcane industry in Nepal: opportunities and challenges.”. (2017)
Pandit, R., Neupane, P.R., Wagle, B.H.. “Economics of carbon sequestration in community forests: Evidence from REDD+ piloting in Nepal.”. Journal of Forest Economics 26. (2017): S. 9-29.zum Artikel
Acharya, K.P., Paudel, P.K., Janwali, S.R., Neupane, P.R. and Köhl, M.. “Can forest fragmentation and configuration work as indicators of human–wildlife conflict? Evidences from human death and injury by wildlife attacks in Nepal.”. Ecological Indicators 80. (2017): S. 74-83.
Knauf, M.; Mues, V.; Frühwald, A.; Schnellbächer, H.; Holtkämper, V.; Kreienmeier, U.; Köhl, M.. “Klimaschutzleistung der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft lokal bewerten”. AFZ, Der Wald 14. (2017): S. 19-22.
Mues, V.; Knauf, M.; Köhl, M.; Frühwald, A.. “Bewertung der Klimaschutzleistungen der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft auf lokaler Ebene (BEKLIFUH)”. (2017) Ein Projekt im Rahmen des Waldklimafonds
Köhl, M.; P. R. Neupane, N. Lotfiomran. “The impact of tree age on biomass growth and carbon accumulation capacity: A retrospective analysis using tree ring data of three tropical tree species grown in natural forests of Suriname.”. PloS ONE 12(8). (2017)
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Neupane, P.R., Gauli, A., Maraseni, T., Kübler, D., Mundhenk, P., Dang, M.V., Köhl, M.. “A segregated assessment of total carbon stocks by the mode of origin and ecological functions of forests: Implication on restoration potential.”. International Forestry Review 19(S4). (2017): S. 1-28.
Yang, H., Magnussen, S., Fehrmann, L., Mundhenk, P., Kleinn, C.. “Two neighborhood-free plot designs for adaptive sampling of forests”. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 23, Issue 2. (2016): S. 279-299.
Butarbutar, T., Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R.. “Harvested wood products and REDD+: Looking beyond the forest border. Carbon Balance and Management.”. 11. (2016): S. 1-12.
Acharya, K.P., Paudel, P.K., Neupane, P.R., Köhl, M.. “Human wildlife conflicts in Nepal: Identifying patterns of human fatalities and injury caused by large mammals. Biological Conservation. PLOS ONE.”. (2016) zum Artikel
Neupane, P.R., Dhakal, A.. “Is the contribution of community forest users financially efficient? A household level benefit-cost analysis of community forest management in Nepal. International Journal of the Commons 10 (1), 142-157.”. (2016)
Plugge, D., Kübler, D., Neupane, P.R., Olschofsky, K., Prill, L.. “Measurement, Reporting and Verifications Systems in Forest Assessment.”. Tropical Forestry Handbook. Hg. Laslo, P., Köhl, M., (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016
Schneider, T.W., Neupane, P.R.. “International Processes: Framework Conditions for Tropical Forestry”. Tropical Forestry Handbook. Hg. Laslo, P., Köhl, M. (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016
Olschofsky, K, Mues, V., Köhl, M.. “Operational Assessment of Aboveground Tree Volume and Biomass by Terrestrial Laser Scanning”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2016): S. pp. 699-707.zum Artikel
Knauf, M., Mues, V., Frühwald, A., Schnellbächer, H.J., Strimbu, V., Köhl, M., Holtkämper, V., Kreienmeier, E.. “Analyse der Klimaschutzleistung von Forstbetrieben”. Holz-Zentralblatt 142 (47). (2016): S. 1160-1162.
Pancel, L.; Köhl, M.. Tropical Forestry Handbook. Vol.I - Vol.IV. Heidelberg: Springer, 2016.
Olschofsky, K., Brinkmann, K., Kübler, D.. “Modellierung von Landnutzungsalternativen in Trockenwäldern Südwest Madagaskars mit Netlogo”. Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften (2016): S. 131-138.
Köhl, M., Lasco, R., Cifuentes, M., Jonsson, Ö., Korhonen, K.T., Mundhenk, P., Navar, J., Stinson, G.. “Changes in forest production, biomass and carbon: Results from the 2015 UN FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment”. Forest Ecology and Management 352. (2015): S. 21-34.zum Artikel
Magnussen, S., Andersen, H.E., Mundhenk, P.. “A Second Look at Endogenous Poststratification”. Forest Science Volume 61, Number 4. (2015): S. 624-634.
Neupane, P.R.. “Viability assessment of jurisdictional Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) implementation in Vietnam, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Diss, Department of Biology. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg”. (2015)
Pokharel, R.K., Neupane, P.R., Tiwari, K.R., Köhl, M.. “Assessing the sustainability in community based forestry: a case from Nepal. Forest Policy and Economics 58”. (2015): S. 75-84.
Nguyen, T.T.H., Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R.. “Willingness to accept compensation for forest protection: A case study in Dinh Hoa District, Northern Vietnam, Green Economy and Sustainable Development. The 5th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE). August 5-7, 2015. EAAERE”. (2015) zum Artikel
Prill, L.. “Ecological risks and opportunities of Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantations for energy wood production in Northern Madagascar. Hamburg: Universität, 100 p, Hamburg, Univ, Studiengang Holzwirtschaft, Masterarbeit, 2015”. (2015)
Knauf, M., Köhl, M., Mues, V., Olschofsky, K., Frühwald, A. . “Modeling the CO2-effects of forest management and wood usage on a regionl basis”. Carbon Balance and Management 10:13. (2015) zum Artikel
Liese, W.; Köhl, M. (Eds.). Bamboo - The Plant and its Uses. Tropical Forestry, 10. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. Springer
Köhl, M., Scott, C. T., Lister, A. J., Demon, I., Plugge, D.. “Avoiding treatment bias of REDD+ monitoring by sampling with partial replacement”. Carbon balance and management 1. (2015): S. S.545.
Gauli A., Vaillancourt RE, Bailey TG, Steane DA, Potts BM Gauli A, Vaillancourt R., Bailey T., Steane D., Potts B.. “Evidence for local climate adaptation in early-life traits of Tasmanian populations of Eucalyptus pauciflora.”. Tree Genetics & Genomes 11. (2015): S. 1-14.
Maraseni, T. N., Neupane, P. R., Lopez-Casero, F., Cadman, T.. “An assessment of the impacts of the REDD+ pilot project on community forests user groups (CFUGs) and their community forests in Nepal”. Journal of environmental management Vol. 136. (2014): S. 37--46.zum Artikel
Neupane, P.R., Köhl, M., Plugge, D.. “Supporting the Global Implementation of REDD and FLEGT”. Tropentag 2014 Book of abstracts: Prague, Czech Rep., Sept. 17-19, 2014. Hg. E.~Tielkes. 2014, S. 388.
Pokharel, R. K., Neupane, P. R., Tiwari, K. R., Köhl, M.. “Assessing the sustainability in community based forestry: A case from Nepal”. Forest Policy and Economics (2014) zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Schneider, T.W., Neupane, P. R., Lax, J, Poker, J. (Hg.). Approaches for the improvement of the economic sustainability of natural forest management in the tropics including REDD+ mechanism. . Berlin: Rhombos-Verl. 352 p., 2014.
Köhl, M., Kenter, M.. Forstliche Methodenwerkstatt: in: Das Lehrlabor, Förderung von Lehrinnovationen in der Studieneingangsphase, Projektstand nach 2 Jahren. Hamburg: Weltforstwirtschaft, Universität Hamburg, 2014. zum Artikel
Hasenauer H., Neumann M., Moreno A., Köhl M., Mues V., Mäkelä A., Härkönen S., Chirici G., Mura M., Dragoi M., Bouriaud O., Lang M., Muys B., Achten W., Thivolle-Cazat A., Zasada M., Bronisz K., Svoboda M., Merganicova K., Mohren F., Decuyper M., Alberdi I., Astrup R.. “Increasing forest disturbances in Europe and their impact on carbon storage. World bioenergy meeting 2014, Sweden”. (2014)
Bailey T., Gauli A., Tilyard P., Davidson NJ., Potts BM.. “Feral deer damage in Tasmanian biodiverse restoration plantings.”. Australasian Plant Conservation 23(3). (2014): S. 10-12.
Gauli A., Steane DA, Vaillancourt RE, Potts BM. “Molecular genetic diversity and population structure in Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora (Myrtaceae) on the island of Tasmania.”. Australian Journal of Botany 62. (2014): S. 175-188.
Gauli A., Vaillancourt RE, Steane DA, Bailey TG, Potts BM.. “The effect of forest fragmentation and altitude on the mating system of Eucalyptus pauciflora (Myrtaceae).”. Australian Journal of Botany 61. (2014): S. 622-632.
Fischer, R., Scheuschner, T., Schlutow, A., Granke, O., Mues, V., Olschofsky, K., Nagel, H.-D. . “Effects evaluation and risk assessment of air pollutants deposition at European monitoring sites of the ICP forests.”. Air Pollution Modelling and its Application : XXII. Proceedings of the 32nd NATO/SPS. (2014): S. pp 89-93.
Schönfeld, K. T., Matei, P. , Schröder, J.-M., Köhl, M.. “Forstwirtschaft in Suriname.”. AFZ~Der Wald Vol. 68, No. 22. (2013): S. 40--43.
Plugge, D., Baldauf, T., Köhl, M.. “The global climate change mitigation strategy REDD: monitoring costs and uncertainties jeopardize economic benefits”. Climatic Change Vol. 119, No. 2. (2013): S. 247--259.zum Artikel
Plugge, D., Holzmann, S., Köhl, M.. “Developing strategies against land degradation and desertification: a heat-map for priority intervention areas”. In UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference 2013. 2013
Köhl, M.. “Klimaschutz - Aus der Sicht der Forstwissenschaft - Umweltgerechte Waldnutzung im Diskurs”. AFZ~Der Wald Vol. 68, No. 17. (2013): S. 34--36.
Bailey TG, Davidson NJ, Potts BM, Gauli A, Hovenden M, Burgess S, Duddles J. “Plantings for carbon, biodiversity & restoration in dry rural landscapes of Tasmania”. 2013
Prill, L.. “Einfluss von erhöhtem CO2-Gehalt sowie Trockenstress auf die Holzbildung der Kiefer. Hamburg: Univ Hamburg, Fachber Biologie, 49 p, Hamburg, Univ, Department Biologie, Bachelorarbeit, 2012”. (2012)
Mohren, G. M.J., Hasenauer, H., Köhl, M., Nabuurs, G-J. “Forest inventories for carbon change assessments”. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Vol. 4, No. 6. (2012): S. 686--695.zum Artikel
Krug, J., Koehl, M., Kownatzki, D.. “Revaluing unmanaged forests for climate change mitigation”. Carbon balance and management Vol. 7, No. 1. (2012): S. 11.zum Artikel
Plugge, D., Köhl, M.. “Estimating carbon emissions from forest degradation: implications of uncertainties and area sizes for a REDD+ MRV system”. Canadian Journal of Forest Research Vol. 42, No. 11. (2012): S. 1996--2010.zum Artikel
Erler, J., Becker, G., Spellmann, H., Dieter, M., Ammer, C., Bauhus, J., Bitter, A., Bolte, A., Knoke, T., Köhl, M., Mosandl, R., Möhring, B., Schmidt, O., von Teuffel, K., . “Einseitig, widersprüchlich und teilweise falsch : Forstwissenschaftler bemängeln Umweltgutachten 2012 des SRU”. Holzzentralblatt No. 32. (2012): S. 810--811.
Erler, J., Becker, G., Spellmann, H., Dieter, M., Ammer, C., Bauhus, J., Bitter, A., Bolte, A., Knoke, T., Köhl, M., Mosandl, R., Möhring, B., Schmidt, O., von Teuffel, K. . “Forstwissenschaftler bemängeln Umweltgutachten 2012 des SRU : Einseitig, widersprüchlich und teilweise falsch.”. AFZ~Der Wald Vol. 67, No. 18. (2012): S. 22--26.
Bick, U., Köhl, M.. “EU-Holzhandelsverordnung wird konkret für die Praxis: die EUTR kann als transparentes und für die praktische Durchführung gut vorbereitetes Instrument angesehen werden.”. Holzzentralblatt No. 41. (2012): S. 1034.
Köhl, M., Baldauf, T.. “Resource Assessment Techniques for Continuous Cover Forestry: Managing forest ecosystem”. Continuous Cover Forestry. Hg. Pukkala, Timo and Gadow, Klaus von. Managing Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 23. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012, S. 273--291.
Olschofsky, K., Mues, V. (Hg.). Unterstützung forstpolitischer Entscheidungsprozesse durch Computermodelle. Proceedings, GIL Jahrestagung. 2012.
Janott, Michael and Jochheim, Hubert and Fleck, Stefan and Kallweit, Reinhard and Schulz, Christoph and Granke, Oliver and Olschofsky, Konstantin and Fischer, Richard and Lorenz, Martin. “Simulationen zum Kohlenstoffhaushalt europäischer Wälder des Forstlichen Umweltmonitorings (Level II) unter Klimawandel”. GI-Edition No. Band 194. (2012): S. 147--150.
Köhl, M., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J.. “Criterion 2: Maintenance of Forest Ecosystem Health and Vitality: Status & Trends in Sustainable Forest Management in Europe”. State of Europe's Forests 2011 - Status & Trends in Sustainable Forest Management in Europe: Part I: Pan-European Quantitative Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. 2011, S. 29--49.
Kuntz, S., von Poncet, F., Baldauf, T., Plugge, D., Kenter, B., Köhl, M.. “A multi-stage inventory scheme for REDD inventories in tropical countries”. Proceedings of 34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of the Environment. Vol. In: Proceedings of 34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of the Environment. oO: oV, Seiten 1-4, deutsch. 2011, S. 1--4.
Plugge, D., Baldauf, T., Köhl, M.. “Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): Why a Robust and Transparent Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System is Mandatory”. Climate Change - Research and Technology for Adaptation and Mitigation. Hg. Blanco, Juan A.. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2011, S. 155--170. zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Requardt, A.. “Europäischer Waldbericht 2011 : Bericht der 6. Ministerkonferenz zum Schutz der Wälder in Europa. Waldzustand in Europa”. AFZ, der Wald Vol. 66, No. 24. (2011): S. 10--13.
Köhl, M., Bastup-Birk, A., Marchetti, M., Cimini, D., Corona, P., {Jellesmark~Thorsen}, B., Lassere, B., Pettenella, D., Saastamoinen, O., {Søndergaard~Jensen}, F., Zingg, A.. “Criterion 3: maintenance and encouragement of productive functions of forests (wood and non-wood).”. State of Europe's Forests 2011 - Status & Trends in Sustainable Forest Management in Europe: Part I: Pan-European Quantitative Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. 2011
Köhl, M., Kenter, B., Hildebrandt, R., Olschofsky, K., Köhler, R., Rötzer, T., Mette, T., Pretzsch, H., Rüter, S., Köthke, M., Dieter, M.,d Abiy, M., Makeschin, F.. “Auswirkungen auf die CO2-Bilanz im langfristigen Vergleich : Nutzungsverzicht oder Holznutzung?”. AFZ~Der Wald Vol. 66, No. 15. (2011): S. 25--27.
Köhl, M., Lister, A., Scott, C.T., Baldauf, T., Plugge, D.. “Implications of sampling design and sample size for national carbon accounting systems”. Carbon balance and management Vol. 6, No. 1. (2011): S. 10.zum Artikel
Köhl, M.. “Mehr Schutz für den Klimaschützer.”. Frankf. Allg. Sonntagszeitg : Verlagsbeil. Int. Jahr Wälder, No. 11. (2011): S. Seite S 2, deutsch.
Olschofsky, K., Mues, V.. Methode zur Herleitung von Landnutzungsentwicklungen aus heterogenen Datenquellen zur Verbesserung der Treibhausgas-Berichterstattung.. Arbeitsbericht aus dem Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft = Work report of the Institute for World Forestry, No. 2011/02. Hamburg: Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft - Universität Hamburg, Zentrum Holzwirtschaft / Thünen Institut, 2011.
Prill, L.. “Mehr als ein Jahrringzähler : Kolloquium zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Peter Klein”. Holz Zentralbl(48):1223. (2010)
Lorenz, Martin and Köhl, Michael. “Forest monitoring in Europe further developed.”. Parliament Magazine's Regional Review, englisch No. 18. (2010): S. 76--77.
Krug, J., Köhl, M.. “Bedeutung der deutschen Forstwirtschaft in der Klimapolitik. Wald als CO2-Speicher”. AFZ~Der Wald Vol. 65, No. 17. (2010): S. 30--33.
Stümer, W., Kenter, B., Köhl, M.. “Spatial interpolation of in situ data by self-organizing map algorithms (neural networks) for the assessment of carbon stocks in European forests”. Forest Ecology and Management Vol. 260, No. 3. (2010): S. 287--293.zum Artikel
Plugge, D., Baldauf, T., Ratsimba, H. R., Rajoelison, G., Köhl, M.. “Combined biomass inventory in the scope of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).”. Madagascar Conservation and Development, Band 5 Vol. 5, No. 1. (2010): S. 23--34.
Köhl, M.. “Prof. Dr. Georg Eisenhauer 90.”. AFZ~Der Wald Vol. 65, No. 10. (2010): S. 49.
Köhl, M., Hildebrandt, R., Olschofsky, K., Köhler, R., Rötzer, T., Mette, T., Pretzsch, H., Köthke, M., Dieter, M., Abiy, M., Makeschin, F., Kenter, B.. “Combating the effects of climatic change on forests by mitigation strategies”. Carbon balance and management Vol. 5. (2010): S. 8.zum Artikel
Köhl, M.. “Resource assessment techniques for continuous cover forests systems. Resource assessment and Monitoring”. Continuous Cover Forestry - Assessment, Analysis, Scenarios -2010. Hg. Gadow, Klaus von and Nagel, Jürgen and Saborowski, Joachim. Vol. Kluwer Academic 2010. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2010, 2010, S. 13--26.
Fischer, R., Lorenz, M., Köhl, M., Mues, V., Granke, O., Iost, S., Dobben, H. v., Reinds, G. J., Vries, W.. “The Condition of Forests in Europe. Executive Report. International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP-Forests, UN-ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products (BFH)”. (2010)
Gerard, F. and Petit, S. and Smith, G. and Thomson, A. and Brown, N. and Manchester, S. and Wadsworth, R. and Bugar, G. and Halada, L. and Bezak, P. and Boltiziar, M. and badts, E. de and Halabuk, A. and Mojses, M. and Petrovic, F. and Gregor, M. and Hazeu, G. and Mucher, C. A. and Wachowicz, M. and Huitu, H. and Tuominen, S. and Kohler, R. and Olschofsky, K. and Ziese, H. and Kolar, J. and Sustera, J. and Luque, S. and Pino, J. and Pons, X. and Roda, F. and Roscher, M. and Feranec, J.. “Land cover change in Europe between 1950 and 2000 determined employing aerial photography”. Progress in Physical Geography Vol. 34, No. 2. (2010): S. 183--205.zum Artikel
Neupane, P.R.. “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD); A Revenue Source for Natural Forest Management in Vietnam: Implications for Forest Sector Institutions and Management Practices, Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences/School of the Environment and Natural Resources.”. (2009): S. p. 119.
Krug, J., Koehl, M., Riedel, T., Bormann, K., Rueter, S., Elsasser, P.. “Options for accounting carbon sequestration in German forests”. Carbon balance and management Vol. 4. (2009): S. 5.zum Artikel
Olschofsky, K., Kenter, B., Köhl, M.. “Potenzial und Dynamik der C-Sequestrierung in Wald und Holz im Zeitraum 2000 bis 2100.”. Die grüne Reihe, Sektion Forstliche Biometrie u. Informatik. Tharandt: 2009, S. S.56-60.
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Baldauf, T., Plugge, D., Rqibate, A., Köhl, M.. “Case studies on measuring and assessing forest degradation : monitoring degradation in the scope of REDD.”. FAO~Forest Resources Assessment Working Paper No. 162. (2009) zum Artikel
Granke, O., Kenter, B., Kriebitzsch, W. U., Köhl, M., Köhler, R., Olschofsky, K.. “Biodiversity assessment in forests - from genetic diversity to landscape diversity”. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry Vol. 2, No. 1. (2009): S. 1--3.
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Köhl, M., Baldauf, T., Plugge, D., Krug, J.. “Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): a climate change mitigation strategy on a critical track”. Carbon balance and management Vol. 4. (2009): S. 10.zum Artikel
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Köhl, M., Frühwald, A., Kenter, B., Olschofsky, K., Köhler, R., Köthke, M., Rüter, S., Pretzsch, H., Rötzer, T., Makeschin, F., Abiy, M., Dieter, M.. “Potenzial und Dynamik der Kohlenstoffspeicherung in Wald und Holz: Beitrag des deutschen Forst- und Holzsektors zum Klimaschutz”. Waldstrategie 2020. Hg. Seintsch, B. and Dieter, M.. Vol. Landbauforschung Sonderheft 327. 2009, S. 103--109. zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Rametsteiner, E.. “The State of Europe's Forests: 2007 -- Report of the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe for Sustainable Forest Management in Europe”. Sustainable Forest Management in a Changing World: a European Perspective. Hg. Spathelf, Peter. Managing Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 19. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2009, S. 53--60.
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Köhl, M., Stümer, W., Kenter, B., Riedel, T.. “Effect of the estimation of forest management and decay of dead woody material on the reliability of carbon stock and carbon stock changes---A simulation study”. Forest Ecology and Management Vol. 256, No. 3. (2008): S. 229--236.zum Artikel
Oehmichen, K., Köhl, M.. “Verfahrensvorschläge zur satellitengestützten Waldflächenkartierung für die Bundeswaldinventur.”. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation Vol. 2008, No. 6. (2008): S. 499--507.
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Schuck, A., Green, T., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Fedorec, A., Requardt, A., Richards, T., Mills, R., Mikkola, E., Päivinen, R., Köhl, M., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J.. Towards a European forest information system. [Online-Ausg.]. European Forest Institute research report, Vol. 20. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill, 2007.
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Reynolds, K. M., Thomson, A. J., Köhl, M., Shannon, M. A., Ray, D., Rennolls, K.. Sustainable forestry: From monitoring and modelling to knowledge management and policy science. Cambridge, MA: CABI, 2007.
Requardt, A., Poker, J., Köhl, M., Schuck, A., Janse, G., Mavsar, R., Päivinen, R.. Feasibility study on means of combating forest dieback in the European Union : technical report. ForestDieback-Technical Report-Final.doc. 2007.
Requardt, A., Fischer, R., Lorenz, M., Köhl, M.. “European network of permanent sample plots for monitoring of forest ecosystems. 6.3. Strasbourg Resolutions”. Implementation of MCPFE commitments : national and pan-european activities 2003-2007. Vol. 2007. 2007, S. 68--70.
Requardt, A., Köhl, M., Näscher, F.. Reporting on Pan-European criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management : experiences from Liechtenstein 2003. Work report. Work report of the Institute for World Forestry, No. 2007/02. Hamburg: Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft - Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft/Universität Hamburg, mt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft (AWNL), Liechtenstein, 2007.
Köhl, M., Baldauf, T., Plugge, D.. “Einsatz von Fernerkundung zur Erfassung der Entwaldung: Pilotstudie Madagaskar: Vermiedene Entwaldung als Klimaschutzoption. Forschung zu Wald und Klima”. AFZ~Der Wald Vol. 62, No. 23. (2007): S. 1262--1263.
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Köhl, M.. “Nichtholzprodukte und forstliche Dienstleistungen im internationalen Kontext. Non-timber forest products and forest services in an international context”. Forst und Holz Vol. 62, No. 4. (2007): S. 2--6.
Köhl, M.. “Wald als Rohstoff- und Energiequelle.”. Unser Wald No. 6. (2007): S. 12--13.
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Oehmichen, K., Köhl, M.. “Erfassung und Bewertung der Fragmentierung von Wäldern mit der effektiven Maschenfläche. IALE-D~Jahrestagung 2006”. Räumliche Dynamik von Mensch-Umwelt-Systemen. Hg. Felix Müller, R., Duttmann, R. U. S.. 2006, S. 45.
Oehmichen, K., Köhl, M.. Weiterentwicklung von Indikatoren zur Erfassung der Fragmentierung von Wäldern unter Berücksichtigung der Datenverfügbarkeit: Arbeitsbericht. Arbeitsbericht aus dem Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft = Work report of the Institute for World Forestry, No. 2006/02. Hamburg: Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft - Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft/Universität Hamburg, 2006.
Köhl, M., Kenter, B.. “Potential and dynamic of carbon sequestration in forests and timber: Tagungsband der ``Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere'' in Sissi-Lassithi, Kreta am 14.-18. November 2006: Posterpräsentation”. Tagungsband der ``Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere'' in Sissi-Lassithi, Kreta am 14.-18. November 2006. 2006, S. 236.
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Köhl, M., Kenter, B., Olschofsky, K.. “Möglichkeiten der Kohlenstoffspeicherung in Wald und Holz. Simulation zur Berechnung der C-Sequestrierungspotenziale für Deutschland: Vom Baum zur Landschaft”. AFZ, der Wald Vol. 61, No. 21. (2006): S. 1162--1163.
Köhl, M., Magnussen, S., Marchetti, M.. Sampling Methods, Remote Sensing and GIS Multiresource Forest Inventory. Tropical forestry, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. zum Artikel
Knöll, A., Glauner, R., Köhl, M.. “Das MTCC Hamburg Projekt kurz vorgestellt : Weiterentwicklung eines nationalen Zertifizierungsansatzes in den Tropen vor entwicklungspolitischem Hintergrund.”. Holzzentralblatt Vol. 132, No. Heft 50. (2006): S. 1481.
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Schuck, A., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Folving, S., Köhl, M., Miina, S., Päivinen, R., Richards, T., Voss, H.. “The European Forest Information System---an Internet based interface between information providers and the user community”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Vol. 47, No. 3. (2005): S. 185--206.zum Artikel
Stümer, W., Köhl, M.. “Kombination von terrestrischen Aufnahmen und Fernerkundungsdaten mit Hilfe der k-Nächste-Nachbar-Methode zur Klassifizierung und Kartierung von Wäldern.”. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation Vol. 2005, No. 1. (2005): S. 23-36, deutsch.
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Corona, P., Köhl, M., Marchetti, M.. Advances in Forest Inventory for Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Monitoring. Forestry Sciences, Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2003. zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Oehmichen, K.. “Zur Verwendung von Landschaftsmasszahlen bei Wald- und Landschaftsinventuren: Überblick und Kritik | The application of landscape indices in forest and landscape inventories: review and critique”. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen Vol. 154, No. 1. (2003): S. 8--16.zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Oehmichen, K.. “Comparison of Landscape Indices under Particular Consideration of the Geometric and Geographic Moving Window Concept”. Advances in Forest Inventory for Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Monitoring. Hg. Corona, Piermaria and Köhl, Michael and Marchetti, Marco. Forestry Sciences, Vol. 76. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2003, S. 231--243.
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