News15 January 2025|GRK2530Third picture of the 'Hall of Fame'Photo: UHH/RTG2530/PutriThe Research Training Group 2530's photo competition is held once a year. In this third round, doctoral students of the RTG 2530 once again expressed...13 December 2024|GRK2530Shining doctoral hat for Luise Grüterich – congratulations!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/GrebeOn December 6, 2024, Luise Grüterich successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled ‘Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Insights into Wetland...Contribution from the news channel Blog GRK25304 December 2024|GRK2530Our congratulations to Elena Hauten!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/GrebeOn 2nd December 2024, the Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science (IMF) was fully dedicated to celebrating Elena Hauten's doctoral...29 November 2024|GRK2530Public presentation in HetlingenPhoto: UHH/RTG2530/LatosAt the invitation of the Integrated Station Unterelbe (ISU) at the Elbmarschenhaus in Haseldorf, Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach and the doctoral researchers...28 November 2024|GRK2530Fourth retreat of the RTG 2530Photo: UHH/RTG2530/MohamedOnce a year, the members of the RTG 2530 come together – this year, from November 25 to 27 in Travemünde on the Baltic Sea coast. As in previous...27 November 2024|GRK2530Congratulations, Dr. Monica Wilson!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/GrebeOn Monday, 11 November 2024, a festive atmosphere filled the Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology (IPM) at the University of Hamburg. Monica...25 November 2024|GRK2530Congratulations on your doctorate, Laurin Steidle!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/StirnOn September 6, 2024, Laurin Steidle successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “On the fate of Phytoplankton in the Elbe estuary: Examining...22 November 2024|GRK2530Exploring the alluvial forests along the Elbe estuaryPhoto: UHH/RTG2530/RichterAmelia Englyst Robb was a DAAD RISE intern from 2 July to 22 September 2024, working with Diana Richter, a PhD student in the Research Training Group...17 September 2024|GRK2530Mesocosm experiment with 10,000 litres of river waterPhoto: UHH/RTG2530Researchers of the Research Training Group 2530 have developed a complex mesocosm experiment to simulate real environmental factors and predicted...28 August 2024|GRK2530Coastal research in the foreland of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-KoogPhoto: UHH/RTG2530/HautenJust a few metres above sea level and surrounded by mighty dykes, the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog lies in Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein. This coastal area...Show all news