Life blog15 January 2025|Blog GRK2530Third picture of the 'Hall of Fame'Photo: UHH/RTG2530/PutriThe Research Training Group 2530's photo competition is held once a year. In this third round, doctoral students of the RTG 2530 once again expressed...13 December 2024|Blog GRK2530Shining doctoral hat for Luise Grüterich – congratulations!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/GrebeOn December 6, 2024, Luise Grüterich successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled ‘Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Insights into Wetland...4 December 2024|Blog GRK2530Our congratulations to Elena Hauten!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/GrebeOn 2nd December 2024, the Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science (IMF) was fully dedicated to celebrating Elena Hauten's doctoral...29 November 2024|Blog GRK2530Public presentation in HetlingenPhoto: UHH/RTG2530/LatosAt the invitation of the Integrated Station Unterelbe (ISU) at the Elbmarschenhaus in Haseldorf, Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach and the doctoral researchers...28 November 2024|Blog GRK2530Fourth retreat of the RTG 2530Photo: UHH/RTG2530/MohamedOnce a year, the members of the RTG 2530 come together – this year, from November 25 to 27 in Travemünde on the Baltic Sea coast. As in previous...27 November 2024|Blog GRK2530Congratulations, Dr. Monica Wilson!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/GrebeOn Monday, 11 November 2024, a festive atmosphere filled the Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology (IPM) at the University of Hamburg. Monica...25 November 2024|Blog GRK2530Congratulations on your doctorate, Laurin Steidle!Photo: UHH/RTG2530/StirnOn September 6, 2024, Laurin Steidle successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “On the fate of Phytoplankton in the Elbe estuary: Examining...22 November 2024|Blog GRK2530Exploring the alluvial forests along the Elbe estuaryPhoto: UHH/RTG2530/RichterAmelia Englyst Robb was a DAAD RISE intern from 2 July to 22 September 2024, working with Diana Richter, a PhD student in the Research Training Group...18 November 2024|Blog GRK2530More than €11 Million: 2 University of Hamburg Research Training Groups ExtendedPhoto: University of Hamburg / SchellDecision-making and negotiation processes in societies and the carbon cycle in large estuary rivers—the University of Hamburg was granted funding for...Contribution from the university's newsroom17 September 2024|Blog GRK2530Mesocosm experiment with 10,000 litres of river waterResearchers of the Research Training Group 2530 have developed a complex mesocosm experiment to simulate real environmental factors and predicted...28 August 2024|Blog GRK2530Coastal research in the foreland of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-KoogPhoto: UHH/RTG2530/HautenJust a few metres above sea level and surrounded by mighty dykes, the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog lies in Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein. This coastal area...5 August 2024|Blog GRK2530Nele Martens is the first graduate of the Research Training Group 2530Photo: UHH/RTG2530/Grebe‘Finally it's done‘ is written on the sash, which her colleagues ceremoniously drape around Nele Martens. Shortly before, she had successfully...4 June 2024|Blog GRK2530Second picture added to ‘Hall of Fame’Photo: RTG2530/LogemannWith the picture ‘Puccinellia maritima under water - (knowledge) store for carbon’ by Ella Logemann, another photo has been added to the ‘Hall of...14 March 2024|Blog GRK2530Model simulation shows distribution and fate of phytoplankton in the Elbe estuaryPhoto: UHH/RTG2530/SteidleResearchers from the Department of Biology at Universität Hamburg and from New Zealand have designed a new model of the Elbe estuary that analyses the...7 February 2024|Blog GRK2530Phytoplankton use a food mix for growthPhoto: Nele Martens/Çağıl GümüşPhytoplankton are small organisms in water that can bind carbon dioxide. As part of research during her doctoral thesis, Nele Martens has now been...21 November 2023|Blog GRK253014 new doctoral researchers at the Research Training GroupPhoto: UHH/RTG2530On 1st and 2nd of November, the introductory days for the second cohort of doctoral students in Research Training Group 2530 took place. The doctoral...12 September 2023|Blog GRK2530Fish in the carbon cycle of the Elbe estuaryWhat role do fish play in the carbon cycle of the Elbe estuary? Doctoral researchers Jesse Theilen, Raphael Koll and Elena Hauten want to answer this...20 July 2023|Blog GRK2530Doctoral Researchers presented at a conference in SpainPhoto: RTG2530/privateLast month, six of RTG´s Doctoral Researchers attended the conference of the Association for the Science of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) 2023 in...28 April 2023|Blog GRK2530First art work of the "RTG Hall of Fame"Photo: UHH/RTG2530A new work of art is hanging in the hallway of the Institute of Plant Sciences and Microbiology: The image "Phytoplankton Retention Experiment" by...7 February 2023|Blog GRK2530New Deputy Spokesperson for RTG2530Photo: UHH/RTG2530Junior Professor Dr. Elisa Schaum will be the new Deputy Spokesperson of the Research Training Group 2530, taking over from Prof. Dr. Inga Hense, who...Show all news