Qualification programme
The qualification programme aims at scientifically qualifying doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and ensuring their interaction within and between the participating institutions. The qualification programme is laid out in a way that it should not prolong the time to degree. This will be ensured through the (relatively small) amount of obligatory training, by the exact timing of the courses offered and by the thesis committee system of supervision.
Scientific training
Scientific training comprises an Introductory Week to the research topic of RTG 2530, to the Elbe Estuary and Universität Hamburg as well as specific Lectures, Lab and Field Courses, Research Seminars and Scientific Workshops.
Training of key competences and soft skills
The courses in key competences and soft skills comprises seminars in ethics and good scientific practice, data science including aspects of the collection, storage, provision and analyses of research data, and communication including scientific (grant, manuscript) writing, presentation techniques as well as other complementary topics for career development.
Credit Points (CPs)
We expect the Doctoral Researchers to acquire at least twelve credit points during their project period. Credit Points are granted for all courses offered by the RTG 2530 but also for many external scientific and soft skill courses (e.g. offered by the Hamburg Research Academy). Also, for community services (e.g. teaching experience) credit points will be granted.