Aktuelles aus den Forschungsgruppen des IZ30 January 2025|NeuroendocrinologyNew Publication in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (BBI)Photo: pexels cottonbro studio und mart productionsBrand-New Publication in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity Reveals How the Human Brain Responds to Cold Indicators and Proactively Modulates Upper...8 October 2024|NeuroendocrinologyRecently cold-affected and healthy test subjects (m, f, d) wanted for a current PC study.Photo: freepik.comWe would like to cordially invite you to participate in our study, which investigates how the human body reacts to various videos of people in...21 August 2024|PublikationStudy detects female genetic males in flea beetle using newly identified X-linked markersPhoto: UHH/Marlena HerbertzThis study from Kim Rohlfing, Malte Grewoldt, Mathilde Cordellier and Susanne Dobler brings valuable insights to the broader scientific community by...30 June 2024|NeuroendocrinologyNew Publication in Reproductive BiologyPhoto: diekhof krollWomen may be more susceptible to infections during the luteal phase, possibly due to the hormone progesterone and its immunosuppressive effects. In...30 April 2024|NeuroendocrinologyNew Publication in Hormones & BehaviorPhoto: kroll KI-generiertA study conducted at the University of Hamburg explored how hormones during the menstrual cycle affect women’s attention to images of infants. The...31 March 2024|NeuroendocrinologyNew Publication in Collaboration with the Steinicke Research Group (UHH, Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction)Photo: unsplash maxim hopmanPrevious studies from the Diekhof research group have shown that visual perception of illness cues can enhance mucosal immune responses. In our first...8 January 2024|NeuroendocrinologyNew Publication in Cognitive Research: Principles and ImplicationsPhoto: pexels.comFace masks were a key measure in controlling virus transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous research shows that masks affect various...6 January 2024|Neuroendocrinologyour studies in the mediaPhoto: freepik.comARD audiothek 20 December 2023|Neuroendocrinologyour studies in the mediaHamburger Morgenpost Hamburger Abendblatt20 December 2023|NeuroendocrinologyNew Publication in Scientific ReportsPhoto: freepik.com kjpargeterSecretory Immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in saliva plays an important role in combating pathogens in the respiratory tract and may help prevent SARS-CoV-2...22 November 2023|NeuroendocrinologyNeue Gleichstellungsbeauftragte in der MIN-FakultätPhoto: UHH/privatAm 15. November 2023 wurde Juniorprofessorin Esther Diekhof durch den Fakultätsrat zur neuen Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der MIN-Fakultät und Dr...Contribution from the news channel MIN25 September 2023|molevolbioCongratulations on completing your doctorate!Photo: Susanne DoblerCäcilia Plate successfully defended her dissertation on identification and characterization of ABCB full transporters in Chrysochus asclepiadeus. All...21 August 2023|NeuroendocrinologyPromotionsstudie: Welche Rolle spielen Sexualhormone bei Stress in der Pubertät?Photo: freepik.comDie Hormone im Körper beeinflussen sich gegenseitig stark. Wie hängen also der Umgang mit Stress und der weibliche Zyklus zusammen – insbesondere in...Contribution from the university's newsroom7 July 2023|molevolbioMagna cum laudeAlina Sanken successfully completed her dissertation and disputation about the "Analysis of reproductive anomalies in the flea beetle Altica lythri...1 June 2023|molevolbioCoevolutionary escalation led to differentially adapted paralogs of an insect's Na,K-ATPase optimizing resistance to host plant toxinsThe milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, has evolved intricate adaptations to the toxic cardenolides present in its host plants. Amongst others its...23 November 2022|molevolbioKnockdown of Na,K-ATPase β-subunits in <i>Oncopeltus fasciatus</i> induces molting problems and alterations in tracheal morphologyPhoto: Marlena HerbertzIn this study, we analyzed the tissue-specific distribution and function of different Na,K-ATPase subunits of the large milkweed bug Oncopeltus...21 November 2022|molevolbioEpistatic effects between amino acid insertions and substitutions mediate toxin-resistance of vertebrate Na+,K+-ATPasesPhoto: Shabnam MohammadiWe found that chinchillas and sandgrouse have independently evolved single amino-acid insertions in the same region of their sodium-potassium pump...9 August 2022|Neuroendocrinologyour studies in the mediaPhoto: pixabay viaramiÄrzteblatt Videos können eine Immunantwort auslösen25 July 2022|NeuroendocrinologyBetter Understanding Human Emotion and the Immune SystemPhoto: PrivateIn 2022, 23 researchers at Universität Hamburg—University of Excellence will receive funding from the Ideas and Venture Fund. The researchers will use...Contribution from the university's newsroom22 July 2022|NeuroendocrinologyNew Publication in Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – HealthPhoto: kroll KI-generiertThe Behavioral Immune System (BIS) supports the physiological immune system (PIS) and may reduce the risk of infection. In our study, we used video...Show all news