Fernandes R, Ostendorp A, Ostendorp S, Mehrmann J, Falke s; Graewert MA, Weingartner M, Kehr J, Hoth S: Structural and functional analysis of a plant nucleolar RNA chaperone-like protein. Sci Rep 2023, 9656.
Lohmann J, de Luxán-Hernández C, Gao Y, Zoschke R, Weingartner M: Arabidopsis translation factor eEF1Bγ impacts plant development and is associated with heat-induced cytoplasmic foci. J Exp Bot 2022, 74:2585.
de Luxán-Hernández C, Lohmann J, Tranque E, Chumova J, Binarova P, Salinas J, Weingartner M: MDF is a conserved splicing factor and modulates cell division and stress response in Arabidopsis. Life Sci Alliance 2022, 6(1):e202201507.
Hessler G, Portheine SM, Gerlach EM, Lienemann T, Koch G, Voigt CA, Hoth S: PMR4-dependent cell wall depositions are a consequence but not the cause of temperature-induced autoimmunity. J Exp Bot 2021, 14:erab423.
Strauß T, Schattner S, Hoth S, Walter WJ: The Arabidopsis thaliana Kinesin-5 AtKRP125b Is a Processive, Microtubule-Sliding Motor Protein with Putative Plant-Specific Functions. Int J Mol Sci 2021, 22:11361.
Schattner S, Schattner J, Munder F, Höppe E, Walter WJ: A Tug-of-War Model Explains the Saltatory Sperm Cell Movement in Arabidopsis thaliana Pollen Tubes by Kinesins With Calponin Homology Domain. Front Plant Sci 2021, 11:601282.
Knop J, Lienemann T, El-Kilani H, Falke S, Krings C, Sindalovskaya M, Bergler J, Betzel C, Hoth S: Structural Features of a Full-Length Ubiquitin Ligase Responsible for the Formation of Patches at the Plasma Membrane. Int J Mol Sci 2021, 22:9455.
de Luxán-Hernández C, Lohmann J, Hellmeyer W, Seanpong S, Wöltje K, Magyar Z, Pettkó-Szandtner A, Pélissier T, De Jaeger G, Hoth S, Mathieu O, Weingartner M: PP7L is essential for MAIL1-mediated transposable element silencing and primary root growth. Plant J 2020, 102:703-717.
Mueller P, Granse D, Nolte S, Weingartner M, Hoth S, Jensen K: Unrecognized controls on microbial functioning in Blue Carbon ecosystems: The role of mineral enzyme stabilization and allochthonous substrate supply. Ecol Evol 2020, 10:998-1011.
Maschmann S, Ruban K, Wientapper J, Walter WJ: Phototaxis of the Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae Is Mediated by Novel Actin-Driven Tentacles. Int J Mol Sci 2020, 21:6209.
Behrens VA, Walter WJ, Peters C, Wang T, Brenner B, Geeves MA, Scholz T, Steffen W: Mg2+-free ATP Regulates Native Cytoplasmic Dynein’s Processivity. FEBS Letters 2019, 593:296-307.
Xu X, Walter WJ, Liu Q, Machens I, Nick P: A rice class-XIV kinesin enters the nucleus in response to cold. Sci Rep 2018, 8:3588.
Tong M, Kotur T, Liang W, Vogelmann K, Kleine T, Leister D, Brieske C, Yang S, Lüdke D, Wiermer M, Zhang Y, Li X, Hoth S: E3 ligase SAUL1 serves as a positive regulator of PAMP-triggered immunity and its homeostasis is monitored by immune receptor SOC3. New Phytol 2017, 215: 1516-1532.
Ikeda Y, Pélissier T, Bourguet P, Becker C, Pouch-Pélissier MN, Pogorelcnik R, Weingartner M, Weigel D, Deragon JM, Mathieu O: Arabidopsis proteins with a transposon-related domain act in gene silencing. Nat Commun 2017, 8:15122-15132.
Dahlke RI, Fraas S, Ullrich KK, Heinemann K, Romeiks M, Rickmeyer T, Klebe G, Palme K, Lüthen H, Steffens B: Protoplast Swelling and Hypocotyl Growth Depend on Different Auxin Signaling Pathways. Plant Physiol 2017, 175:982-994.
Müller P, Granse D, Nolte S, Do HT, Weingartner M, Hoth S, Jensen K: Top-down control of carbon sequestration: The impact of livestock grazing on microbial structure and function in salt marsh soils. Ecol Appl 2017, 27:1435-1450.
Grover R, Fischer J, Schwarz FW, Walter WJ, Schwille P, Diez S: Transport efficiency of membrane-anchored kinesin-1 motors depends on motor density and diffusity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2016, 113:E7185-E7193.
Disch EM, Tong M, Kotur T, Koch G, Wolf CA, Li X, Hoth S: Membrane-Associated Ubiquitin Ligase SAUL1 Suppresses Temperature- and Humidity-Dependent Autoimmunity in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 2016, 29:69-80.
Walter WJ, Machens I, Rafieian F, Diez S: The non-processive rice kinesin-14 OsKCH1 transports actin filaments along microtubules with two distinct velocities. Nature Plants 2015, 1:15111.
Lüthen H: What we can learn from old auxinology. J Plant Growth Regul 2015, 34, 4:792-707.
Ludwig-Müller J, Lüthen H: From facts and false routes: how plant hormone research developed. J Plant Growth Regul 2015, 34, 4:697-701.
Schneider R, Korten T, Walter WJ, Diez S: Kinesin-1 motors can circumvent permanent roadblocks by side-shifting to neighboring protofilaments. Biophys J 2015, 108:2249-2257.
Fraas S, Lüthen H: Novel imaging-based phenotyping strategies for dissecting crosstalk in plant development. J Exp Bot 2015, 66:4947-4955.
Fraas S, Niehoff V, Lüthen H: A high-throughput imaging auxanometer for roots and hypocotyls of Arabidopsis using a 2D skeletonizing algorithm. Physiol Plant 2014, 151:112-118.
Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M: Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth. Plant J 2014, 77:108-118.
Ühlken C, Hoth S, Weingartner M: MAIL1 is essential for development of the primary root but not of anchor roots. Plant Signal Behav 2014, 9:e976477.
Ühlken C, Horvath B, Stadler R, Sauer N, Weingartner M: MAIN-LIKE1 is a crucial factor for correct cell division and differentiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 2014, 78:107-120.
Vogelmann K, Subert C, Danzberger N, Drechsel G, Bergler J, Kotur T, Burmester T, Hoth S: Plasma membrane-association of SAUL1-type plant U-box armadillo repeat proteins is conserved in land plants. Front Plant Sci 2014, 5:37.
Amrute-Nayak M, Lambeck KA, Radocaj A, Huhnt HE, Scholz T, Hahn N, Tsiavaliaris G, Walter WJ, Brenner B: ATP turnover by individual myosin molecules hints at two conformers of the myosin active site. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014, 111:2536-2541.
Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N: Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 2013, 75:469-483.
Fischer C, Kugler A, Hoth S, Dietrich P: An IQ domain mediates the interaction with calmodulin in a plant cyclic nucleotide-gated channel. Plant Cell Physiol 2013, 54:573-584.
Agayan RR, Tucker R, Nitta T, Ruhnow F, Walter WJ, Diez S, Hess H: Optimization of isopolar microtubule arrays. Langmuir 2013, 29:2265-2272.
Scheitz K, Lüthen H, Schenck D: Rapid auxin-induced root growth inhibition requires the TIR and AFB auxin receptors. Planta 2013, 238:1171-1176.
Vogelmann K, Drechsel G, Bergler J, Subert C, Philippar K, Soll J, Engelmann JC, Engelsdorf T, Voll LM, Hoth S: Early senescence and cell death in Arabidopsis saul1 mutants involves the PAD4-dependent salicylic acid pathway. Plant Physiol 2012, 159:1477-1487.
Walter WJ, Beranek V, Fischermeier E, Diez S: Tubulin acetylation alone does not affect kinesin-1 velocity and run length in vitro. PLoS One 2012, 7:e42218.
Walter WJ, Diez S: Myosin shifts into reverse gear. Nat Nanotechnol 2012, 7:213-214.
Walter WJ, Diez S: Molecular motors: A staggering giant. Nature 2012, 482:44-45.
Pudelski B, Schock A, Hoth S, Radchuk R, Weber H, Hofmann J, Sonnewald U, Soll J, Philippar K: The plastid outer envelope protein OEP16 affects metabolic fluxes during ABA-controlled seed development and germination. J Exp Bot 2012, 63:1919-1936.
Walter WJ, Koonce MP, Brenner B, Steffen W: Two independent switches regulate cytoplasmic dynein's processivity and directionality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012, 109:5289-5293.
Tiller N, Weingartner M, Thiele W, Maximova E, Schottler MA, Bock R: The plastid-specific ribosomal proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana can be divided into non-essential proteins and genuine ribosomal proteins. Plant J 2012, 69:302-316.
Bergler J, Hoth S: Plant U-box armadillo repeat proteins AtPUB18 and AtPUB19 are involved in salt inhibition of germination in Arabidopsis. Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2011, 13:725-730.
Drechsel G, Bergler J, Wippel K, Sauer N, Vogelmann K, Hoth S: C-terminal armadillo repeats are essential and sufficient for association of the plant U-box armadillo E3 ubiquitin ligase SAUL1 with the plasma membrane. J Exp Bot 2011, 62:775-785.
Weingartner M, Subert C, Sauer N: LATE, a C(2)H(2) zinc-finger protein that acts as floral repressor. Plant J 2011, 68:681-692.
Feuerstein A, Niedermeier M, Bauer K, Engelmann S, Hoth S, Stadler R, Sauer N: Expression of the AtSUC1 gene in the female gametophyte, and ecotype-specific expression differences in male reproductive organs. Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2010, 12 Suppl 1:105-114.
Walter WJ, Brenner B, Steffen W: Cytoplasmic dynein is not a conventional processive motor. J Struct Biol 2010, 170:266-269.
Hoth S, Niedermeier M, Feuerstein A, Hornig J, Sauer N: An ABA-responsive element in the AtSUC1 promoter is involved in the regulation of AtSUC1 expression. Planta 2010, 232:911-923.
Drechsel G, Raab S, Hoth S: Arabidopsis zinc-finger protein 2 is a negative regulator of ABA signaling during seed germination. J Plant Physiol 2010, 167:1418-1421.
Klepek YS, Volke M, Konrad KR, Wippel K, Hoth S, Hedrich R, Sauer N: Arabidopsis thaliana POLYOL/MONOSACCHARIDE TRANSPORTERS 1 and 2: fructose and xylitol/H+ symporters in pollen and young xylem cells. J Exp Bot 2010, 61:537-550.
Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schottler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R: Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency. Plant J 2010, 64:851-863.
Moller B, Schenck D, Lüthen H: Exploring the link between auxin receptors, rapid cell elongation and organ tropisms. Plant Signal Behav 2010, 5:601-603.
Schenck D, Christian M, Jones A, Lüthen H: Rapid auxin-induced cell expansion and gene expression: a four-decade-old question revisited. Plant Physiol 2010, 152:1183-1185.
Dahlke RI, Lüthen H, Steffens B: The auxin-binding pocket of auxin-binding protein 1 comprises the highly conserved boxes a and c. Planta 2009, 230:917-924.
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Raab S, Drechsel G, Zarepour M, Hartung W, Koshiba T, Bittner F, Hoth S: Identification of a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase that is required for suppression of premature senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2009, 59:39-51.
Bintig W, Baumgart J, Walter WJ, Heisterkamp A, Lubatschowski H, Ngezahayo A: Purinergic signalling in rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells: an in vitro model of granulosa cells in maturing follicles. J Bioenerg Biomembr 2009, 41:85-94.
Hoth S, Stadler R, Sauer N, Hammes UZ: Differential vascularization of nematode-induced feeding sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008, 105:12617-12622.
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Walter WJ, Zeilinger C, Bintig W, Kolb HA, Ngezahayo A: Phosphorylation in the C-terminus of the rat connexin46 (rCx46) and regulation of the conducting activity of the formed connexons. J Bioenerg Biomembr 2008, 40:397-405.
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Gimenez-Abian JF, Clarke DJ, Gimenez-Martin G, Weingartner M, Gimenez-Abian MI, Carballo JA, Diaz de la Espina SM, Bogre L, De la Torre C: DNA catenations that link sister chromatids until the onset of anaphase are maintained by a checkpoint mechanism. Eur J Cell Biol 2002, 81:9-16.
Gimenez-Abian JF, Weingartner M, Binarova P, Clarke DJ, Anthony RG, Calderini O, Heberle-Bors E, Moreno Diaz de la Espina S, Bogre L, De la Torre C: A topoisomerase II-dependent checkpoint in G2-phase plant cells can be bypassed by ectopic expression of mitotic cyclin B2. Cell Cycle 2002, 1:187-192.
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