Prof. Dr. Jutta Schneider

Foto: UHH/Bio
Abteilungsleitung / Head of Research Unit
Verhaltensbiologie / Behavioral Biology
I work in the field of behavioural ecology concentrating on the evolution of mating systems, sexual selection and sexual conflict as well as the evolution and the mechanisms of cooperative behaviour in spiders. Another focus lies on adaptive plasticity in life-history traits such as growth, body size and allocation in reproductive or neural traits. Current projects involve diversity and adaptive value of male mating decisions in two genera of orb-web spiders. In addition, dynamics in groups of subsocial spiders are studied as well as behavioural and life-history traits that enable some spiders to thrive in novel environments such as cities. A novel approach looks at the influence of early experience on cognitive ability and the costs of cognition. Methods used are mainly field and laboratory experiments complimented by molecular and morphological methods. A breeding program of spiders has been established in my laboratory.
- Franke S & Schneider JM 2024. Simulating a hybridization event of a range expanding sexual cannibal (Argiope bruennichi). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
- Dharmarathne WDSC, McLean, D J, Herberstein ME & Schneider JM 2023. Intraspecific body size variations and allometry of genitalia in the orb-web spider – Argiope lobata. PeerJ, DOI: 10..7717/peerj.16413
- Parthasarathy B*, Dumke M*, Herberstein ME, Schneider JM 2023. Male cooperation improves their own and kin-group productivity in a group-foraging spider. Scientific Reports 13:366 |
- Weiss K., Schneider JM 2023. Pheromone dynamics in virgin and mated females of the sexually cannibalistic orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. Journal of Arachnology, DOI: 10.1636/JoA-S-22-005
- Parthasarathy B, Bourchard M, Schneider JM 2022. Extended phenotypes can underlie trade-offs: a case of social spiders. The Nature of Science, 109, DOI: 10.1007/s00114-022-01826-5
- Kappeler P, Benhaiem S, Fichtel C., Fromhage L, Höner OP, Jennions M, Kaiser S., Krüger O, Schneider JM, Tuni T, van Schaik J & Goymann W 2022. Sex roles and adult sex ratios in animals. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, DOI: 10.1111/brv.12915
- Aceves-Aparacio, A, Narendra A, McLean DJ, Lowe CE, Christian M, Wolff JO, Schneider JM, Herberstein ME 2022. Fast acrobatic manoeuvres enable arboreal spiders to hunt dangerous prey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 119 (40) e2205942119
- Parthasarathy B, Müller M, Bilde T, Schneider JM. 2022. Hunger state and not among-Individual differences in personality determines task participation in a spider society. Animal Behaviour 190: 143-152
- Weiss K, Schneider JM 2022. Female sex pheromone emission is affected by body condition but not immune system function in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. Ethology 00, 1–11.
- Aceves-Aparacio, A, McLean DJ, Wild .K, Schneider JM, Herberstein ME 2022. Novel decorating behaviour of silk retreats in a challenging habitat. PeerJ, 10:e12839
- Gebraulet M, Möllerke A, Weiss K, Chinta S,. Schneider JM, Schulz S. (2022). Identification of the cuticular and web lipids of the spider Argiope bruennichi. Journal of Chemical Ecology,
- Weiss K., Schneider J.M. (2022). Strategic pheromone signalling by mate searching females of the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope bruennichi. Royal Society Open Science 8: 211806.
- Weiss K., Schneider J.M. 2021. Family-specific chemical profiles provide potential kin recognition cues in the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope bruennichi. Biology Letters 17: 1720210260,
- Lissowsky N., Kralj-Fišer S., Schneider J.M. 2021. Giant and dwarf females: how to explain the 4-fold variation in body size and fecundity in Trichonephila senegalensis (Aranea: Nephilidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133: 1016-1030,
- Kralj-Fišer S., Schneider J.M., Kuntner M., Laskowski K.L., Garcia-Gonzalez F. 2021. The genetic architecture of behavioral traits in a spider. Ecology & Evolution 00:1–12.
- Tuni C., Schneider J.M., Uhl G., Herberstein M.E. 2020. Sperm competition when transfer is dangerous. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375: 20200073.
- Weiss K., Ruch J., Zimmer S.M. & Schneider J.M. 2020. Does sexual cannibalism secure genetic benefits of polyandry in a size-dimorphic spider? Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 74: 110
- Cory, A., Schneider, J.M. 2020. Males of a sexually cannibalistic spider chemically assess relative female quality. BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 90.
- Abel C., Schneider J.M., Cheng, R.C., Kuntner M., Harms D. 2020. Phylogeography of the “cosmopolitan” orb-weaver Argiope trifasciata (Araneae: Araneidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,
- Cordellier M.A., Schneider J.M., Uhl G., Posnien N 2020. Sex differences in spiders: from phenotype to genomics. Development, Genes and Evolution, 230:155–172
- Burdfield-Steel Emily R., Schneider J.M., Mappes J, Dobler S. 2020. Testing the effectiveness of pyrazine defenses against spiders. Chemoecology, online DOI: 10.1007/s00049-020-00305-5
- Neumann R. Schneider J.M. 2020. Males sacrifice their legs to pacify aggressive females in a sexually cannibalistic spider. Animal Behaviour, 159: 59-67
- Krehenwinkel H., Meese S., Mayer C., Ruch J., Schneider J., Bilde J., Künzel S., Henderson J., Russack J., Simison W.B., Gillespie R., Uhl G. 2019. Cost effective microsatellite isolation and genotyping by high throughput sequencing. Journal of Arachnology, 47:190-201
- Dumke, M., Herberstein, M.E. & J.M. Schneider 2018. Advantages of social foraging in crab spiders: Groups capture more and larger prey despite the absence of a web. Ethology,
- Cory A.L., Schneider JM. 2018. Mate availability does not influence mating strategies in males of the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope bruennichi. PeerJ 6:e5360
- Cory A.L. & J.M. Schneider 2017. Effects of social information on life-history and mating tactics of males in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. Ecology and Evolution, 304: 182–192, https://doi:10.1111/jzo.12512
- Steinhoff POM, Sombke A, Liedtke J, Schneider JM, Harzsch S & G Uhl 2018. Early environmental conditions affect the volume of higher integrating brain centers in a jumping spider. Journal of Zoology 304: 182–192, https://doi:10.1111/jzo.12512
- Neumann R., Ruppel N. & Schneider J.M. 2017. Fitness implications of sex-specific catch-up growth in Nephila senegalensis, a spider with extreme reversed SSD. PeerJ 5: e4050
- Deventer S. A., Herberstein M. E., Mayntz D., O’Hanlon J.C. & J. M. Schneider (2017). Female fecundity and offspring survival are not increased through sexual cannibalism in the spider Larinioides sclopetarius. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 2146–2155, https://doi:10.1111/jeb.13178
- Liedtke J. & J.M. Schneider (2017). Social makes smart: Rearing conditions affect learning and social behaviour in jumping spiders. Animal Cognition, 20 (6), 1093-1106, https://doi:10.1007/s10071-017-1125-3
- Wilder S.M. & J.M. Schneider (2017). Micronutrient consumption by female Argiope bruennichi affects offspring survival. Journal of Insect Physiology 100: 128-132,
- Steinhoff POM, Sombke A, Liedtke J, Schneider JM, Harzsch S & G Uhl 2017. The synganglion of the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa (Arachnida: Salticidae): insights from histology, immune-histochemistry and microCT analysis. Arthropod Structure & Development 46, 156-170,
- Hirt K., Ruch J. & J.M. Schneider 2017. Strategic male mating behaviour in Argiope lobata. Animal Behaviour 124: 27-34,
- Kuntner M., Cheng R.-C., Kralj-Fišer S., Schneider J. M., Elgar M. A. 2016. Genital evolution, mating rates, and sexual conflict in size dimorphic spiders. BMC Evolutionary Ecology 16:242, DOI 10.1186/s12862-016-0821-y
- Neumann R. & J.M. Schneider 2016. Socially cued developmental plasticity in web-building spiders. BMC Evolutionary Ecology 16:170; DOI 10.1186/s12862-016-0736-7
- Preik O., Schneider J.M., Uhl G. & P. Michalik 2016. Transition from monogyny to polygyny in Nephila senegalensis (Araneae: Nephilidae) is not accompanied by increased investment in sperm. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119, 1027-1035, DOI: 10.1111/bij.12863
- Cory A.L. & J.M. Schneider 2016. Old maids have more appeal: Effects of age and pheromone source on mate attraction in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. PeerJDOI 10.7717/peerj.1877
- Dumke, M.; Herberstein, M.E.; Schneider, J.M. 2016. Scrounging or producing: individual feeding tactics change with group size in a communally foraging spider. Proc.R.Soc.B 283: 20160114
- Zimmer S.M. & J.M. Schneider 2016. Fine-scale spatial population structure suggests modest risk of inbreeding in natural populations of Argiope bruennichi. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17: 35–51
- Schneider J.M., Zimmer S.M., Gatz A., K. Sauerland 2016. Context and state dependent male mate choice in Argiope bruennichi. Ethology 122:257-266, doi: 10.1111/eth.12466
- Uhl G., Zimmer S.M., Renner D., Schneider J.M. 2015. Exploiting a moment of weakness: male spiders escape sexual cannibalism by copulating with molting females. Scientific Reports, 5:16928, DOI: 10.1038/srep16928
- Liedtke J., Redekop, D., Schneider, J.M & Schuett, W. 2015. Early environmental conditions shape personality differences in a jumping spider. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 3:134.
- Ruch J., Dumke M. & J.M: Schneider 2015. Social network structure in group-feeding spiders. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 6:DOI 10.1007/s00265-015-1955-4
- Neumann R. & J. M. Schneider 2015. Differential investment and size-related mating strategies facilitate extreme size variation in contesting male spiders. Animal Behaviour 101: 107-115
- Schneider J.M., Uhl G. & M.E. Herberstein 2015. Cryptic female choice within the genus Argiope: a comparative approach. IN CRYPTIC FEMALE CHOICE IN ARTHROPODS: Patterns, Mechanisms and Prospects (Eds. A. V. Peretti & A. Aisenberg). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg
- Herberstein M.E., Wignall A., Hebets E. & Schneider J.M. 2014. Dangerous mating systems: signal complexity, signal content and neural capacity in spiders. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 46:509-518.
- Kleinteich A., Wilder S. & J.M. Schneider 2014. Contributions of juvenile and adult diet to the lifetime reproductive success and lifespan of a spider. Oikos 124: 130-138
- Krasheninnikova A. & J.M. Schneider 2014. Testing cognitive capacities: Differences between individual testing and social group setting? Animal Cognition 17: 1227-1232
- Schneider J.M. 2014. Sexual cannibalism as a manifestation of sexual conflict. Sexual conflict (ed Rice B & S Gavrilets). Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 6(11):a017731 doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017731
- Zimmer S.M., Krehenwinkel H. & J.M. Schneider 2014. Rapid range expansion is not restricted by inbreeding in a sexually cannibalistic spider. PlosOne 9 (4) e95963
- Ruch J., M.E. Herberstein & J.M. Schneider 2014. Families hunt more successfully: effect of group composition on hunting and communal feeding. Animal Behaviour, 91: 171-178
- Zimmer S.M., Schneider J.M. & M.E. Herberstein 2014. Can male spiders detect the strength of sperm competition and risk of genital plugs when choosing between females? Behavioural Ecology 25: 716-722, doi:10.1093/beheco/aru045
- Ruch J., M.E. Herberstein & J.M. Schneider 2014. Offspring dynamics affect food provisioning, growth and mortality in a brood-caring spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281(1779):20132180. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2180
- Liedtke J & J.M. Schneider 2014. Association and reversal learning abilities in a Jumping Spider. In revision, Behavioural Processes 103:192-198
- Wolff J. O., J.M. Schneider and S. N. Gorb. 2014. How to pass the gap - Functional morphology and biomechanics of spider bridging threads. Biologically-Inspired Systems Vol 5: Biotechnology of Silks. (Ed. Tetsuo Asakura and Tom Miller), pp 165-177
- Kralj-Fiser, S., Schneider, J.M. & M. Kuntner 2013. Challenging the aggressive spillover hypothesis: is pre-copulatory sexual cannibalism a part of a behavioural syndrome? Ethology 119: 615-623
- Kralj-Fišer S., Sanguino Mostajo G.A., Preik O., Pekar S., Schneider J.M. 2013. Assortative mating by aggressiveness type in orb-weaving spiders. Behavioural Ecology 24: 824-831
- Unglaub B., Ruch J., M.E. Herberstein & J.M. Schneider 2013. Hunted hunters? Effect of group size on predation risk and growth in the Australian subsocial crab spider Diaea ergandros. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67: 785-794
- Fromhage L. & J.M. Schneider 2012. A mate to die for? A model of conditional monogyny in cannibalistic spiders. Ecology and Evolution 2: 2577-87, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.372
- Kralj-Fiser S. & J.M. Schneider 2012. Individual behavioural consistency and plasticity in an urban spider. Animal Behaviour 84: 197-204
- Herberstein M.E., Wignall A.E., Nessler S.H., Harmer A.M.T. & Schneider J.M. 2012. How effective and persistent are fragments of male genitalia as mating plugs? Behavioural Ecology 23: 1140-1145
- Welke K., Zimmer S., & J.M. Schneider 2012. Conditional monogyny: female quality predicts male faithfulness. Frontiers in Zoology 9:7
- Zimmer S.M., Welke K.W. & J.M. Schneider 2012. Determinants of natural mating success in the cannibalistic orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi. PLoS One 7: e31389, 10.1371/journal.pone.0031389
- Welke K. & J.M. Schneider 2012. Sexual cannibalism benefits offspring survival. Animal Behaviour 83: 201-207, doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.10.027
- Ruch J., Heinrich L., Bilde T. & J.M. Schneider 2012. Site selection and foraging in the eresid spider Stegodyphus tentoriicola. Journal of Insect Behavior, 25: 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s10905-011-9273-9
- Kralj-Fiser, S., Schneider, J.M., Justinek, Ĺ., Kalin, S., Gregoric, M., Kuntner, M. 2012. Mate quality, not aggressive spillover, explains sexual cannibalism in a size dimorphic spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 145-151, DOI 10.1007/s00265-011-1262-7
- Neumann R. & J.M. Schneider 2011. Frequent failure of male monopolization strategies as a cost of female choice in the black widow spider Latrodectus tredecimguttatus. Ethology, 117: 1057-1066
- Schneider J.M., Lucass C., Brandler W., & L. Fromhage 2011. Spider males adjust mate choice but not sperm allocation to cues of a rival. Ethology, 117: 970-978
- Schneider J.M. & P. Michalik 2011. One-shot genitalia are not an evolutionary dead end: Regained male polygamy in a sperm limited spider species. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11: 197
- Herberstein, M.E, Schneider, J.M, Uhl, G., Michalik, P. 2011. Sperm dynamics in spiders. Behavioral Ecology, 22: 692-695, doi: 10.1093/beheco/arr053
- Roggenbuck H., Pekár S. & J.M. Schneider 2011. Sexual cannibalism in the European garden spider Araneus diadematus: the roles of female hunger and mate size dimorphism. Animal Behaviour, 81: 759-755
- Schneider J.M. & M.C.D. Andrade 2011. Mating behaviour & sexual selection. IN Herberstein M. Ed. Spider Behaviour: Variability and Versatility. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.
- Kleinteich A. & J.M. Schneider 2011. Developmental strategies in an invasive spider: constraints and plasticity. Ecological Entomology, 36: 82-93
- Herberstein M.E., J.M. Schneider, A.M.T. Harmer, A.C. Gaskett, K. Robinson, K. Shaddick, D. Soetcamp, & M.A. Elgar 2011. Sperm storage and copulation duration in a sexually cannibalistic spider. Journal of Ethology, 29: 9-15 DOI: 10.1007/s10164-010-0213-5
- Schulte K.F., Uhl G. & J.M. Schneider 2010. Mate choice in males with one-shot genitalia: limited importance of female fecundity. Animal Behaviour, 80: 699-706
- Kleinteich A. & J.M. Schneider 2010. Evidence for Rensch’s rule in an orb-web spider with moderate sexual size dimorphism. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 12: 667-683
- Welke K. & J.M. Schneider 2010. Males of the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi sacrifice themselves to unrelated females. Biology Letters, 6: 585-588
- Uhl G., Nessler S.H. & J.M. Schneider 2010. Securing paternity in spiders? A review on occurrence and effect of mating plugs and male genital mutilation. Genetica, 138: 75-104
- Schneider J.M. & L. Fromhage 2010. Monogynous mating strategies in spiders. IN Kappeler P. Ed. Behaviour: Evolution and Mechanisms. Springer, Heidelberg. Pp. 441-464
- Ruch J., Heinrich L., Bilde T. & J.M. Schneider 2009. Relatedness facilitates cooperation in the subsocial spider, Stegodyphus tentoriicola. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9:257 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-9-257
- Welke K. & J.M. Schneider 2009. Inbreeding avoidance through cryptic female choice in the cannibalistic orb-web spider Argiope lobata. Behav. Ecol., 20: 1056-1062
- Ruch J., Heinrich L., Bilde T. & J.M. Schneider 2009. The evolution of social inbreeding mating systems in spiders: limited male mating dispersal and lack of pre-copulatory inbreeding avoidance in a subsocial predecessor. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 98: 851-859
- Schneider J.M. & K. Lesmono 2009. Courtship raises male fertilization success through postmating sexual selection in a spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 276: 3105-3111
- Kuntner M, Coddington J.A. & J.M. Schneider. 2009. Intersexual arms race? Genital coevolution in nephilid spiders (Araneae, Nephilidae). Evolution, 63-6: 1451-1463
- Nessler S.H., Uhl G. & J.M. Schneider 2009. Scent of a woman – the effect of female presence during male maturation on sexual cannibalism in an orb-weaving spider (Araneae: Araneidae). Ethology, 115: 633-640
- Kuntner M, Kralj-Fiser S. Schneider J.M., Daiqin Li 2009. Mate plugging via genital mutilation in nephilid spiders: an evolutionary hypothesis. Journal of Zoology, 277: 257-266.
- Nessler S.H., Uhl G. & J.M. Schneider 2009. Sexual cannibalism facilitates genital damage in an orb-weaving spider, Argiope lobata. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology, 63: 355-362
- Schneider J.M., Thomas M.L., Herberstein M.E., Kasumovic M., Bruce M. & M.A. Elgar 2008. Male copulation frequency, sperm competition and genital damage in the golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes. Australian Journal of Zoology, 56: 233-238
- Schneider J.M. & T. Bilde 2008. Benefits of cooperation with genetic kin in a subsocial spider. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105 (31): 10843-10846
- Nessler S.H., Uhl G. & J.M. Schneider 2007. A non-sperm transferring genital trait under sexual selection: an experimental approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274: 2337-2341
- Uhl G., Nessler S.H. & J.M. Schneider 2007. Copulatory mechanism in a sexually cannibalistic spider with genital mutilation (Araneae: Araneidae: Argiope bruennichi). Zoology, 110: 398-408
- Fromhage L., Jakobs K. & Schneider J.M. 2007. Monogynous mating behaviour and its ecological basis in the golden orb spider Nephila fenestrata. Ethology 113:813-820
- Johannesen J., Lubin Y., Smith D., Bilde T. & Schneider J.M. 2007. The age and evolution of sociality in Stegodyphus spiders: A molecular phylogenetic perspective. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274: 231-237
- Nessler S., Uhl G. & Schneider J.M. 2007. Genital damage in the orb-weaving spider Argiope bruennichi (Aranae: Araneida) as a means to maximize paternity success? Behavioral Ecology 18: 174-181.
- Fromhage L. & Schneider J.M. 2006. Emasculation to plug up females: the significance of male pedipalp damage in Nephila fenestrata. Behavioral Ecology 17:353-357
- Schneider J.M., Gilberg S., Fromhage L., Uhl G. 2006. Sexual conflict over copulation duration in a cannibalistic spider. Animal Behaviour 71: 781-788
- Schneider J.M., Elgar M.A. 2005. The combined effects of pre- and post-insemination sexual selection on extreme male body size variation. Evolutionary Ecology 19: 419-433
- Herberstein M.E., Gaskett A.C., Schneider J.M., Vella N.G.F. & Elgar M.A. 2005. Limits to male copulation frequency: sexual cannibalism and sterility in St Andrew’s Cross spiders (Araneae, Araneidae). Ethology 111: 1050-1061
- Fromhage L. & Schneider J.M. 2005. No discrimination against previous males in a sexually cannibalistic spider. Naturwissenschaften 92: 423-426
- Fromhage L., Schneider J.M. 2005. Virgin doves and mated hawks: Contest behaviour in a spider. Animal Behaviour 70: 1099-1104
- Fromhage L., Elgar M.A., Schneider J.M. 2005. Faithfulness without care: the evolution of monogyny. Evolution 59: 1400-1405
- Erez T., Schneider J.M. & Y. Lubin 2005. Is male cohabitation costly for females of the spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae)? Ethology, 111: 693-704
- Fromhage L., Schneider J.M. 2005. Safer sex with feeding females: Sexual conflict in a cannibalistic spider. Behavioral Ecology, 16: 377-382
- Bilde T., Lubin Y., Schneider J.M., Maklakov A.A., Smith D. 2005. The transition to social inbred mating systems in spiders – Role of inbreeding tolerance in a subsocial ancestor. Evolution, 59: 160-174
- Salomon M., Schneider J.M., Lubin Y. 2005. Maternal investment in a spider with suicidal maternal care, Stegodyphus lineatus (Araneae, Eresidae). Oikos 109: 614-622
- Schneider J.M., Fromhage L. & G. Uhl 2005. Copulation patterns in the golden orb-web spider Nephila madagascariensis. Journal of Ethology, 23: 51-55
- Schneider J.M., Fromhage L., Uhl G. 2005. Extremely short copulations do not affect hatching success in Argiope bruennichi SCOPOLI, 1772 (Araneidae). Journal of Arachnology, 33: 663-669
- Elgar M.A., Schneider J.M. 2004. The evolutionary significance of sexual cannibalism. Advances in the Study of Behavior, 34: 135-163
- Fromhage L., Uhl G., Schneider J.M. 2003. Fitness consequences of sexual cannibalism in female Argiope bruennichi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55: 60-64
- Elgar, M. A., Bruce, M., Champion de Crespigny, F. E., Cutler, A. R., Cutler, C. L., Gaskett, A. C., Herberstein, M. E., Ramamurthy, S. & Schneider, J. M. 2003. Male mate choice and patterns of paternity in multiple-mating trials of the sexually cannibalistic orb-web spider, Nephila plumipes. Australian Journal of Zoology 51: 357-365
- Schneider J.M., Salomon M., & Y. Lubin 2003. Limited adaptive life-history plasticity in a semelparous spider, Stegodyphus lineatus. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 731-738
- Schneider J.M. & M.A. Elgar 2002. Sexual cannibalism in Nephila plumipes as a consequence of female life history strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15: 84-91
- Schneider J.M. 2002. Reproductive state and care-giving in Stegodyphus (Araneae: Eresidae) and the implications on the evolution of sociality. Animal Behaviour 63: 649-658
- Johannesen J., Hennig A., Dommermuth B. & JM. Schneider 2002. Mitochondrial DNA distributions indicate colony propagation by single matri-lineages in the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola (Eresidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76: 591-600
- Herberstein M.E., Schneider J.M. & M.A. Elgar 2002. Costs of courtship and mating in a sexually cannibalistic orb-web spider: female mating strategies and their consequences for males. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 440-446
- Schneider J.M. & M.A. Elgar 2001. Sexual cannibalism and sperm competition in the golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes (Araneoidea): female and male perspectives. Behavioral Ecology 12: 547-552
- Schneider J.M., Thomas M. & M.A. Elgar 2001. Ectomised conductors in the golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes (Araneoidea): a male adaptation to sexual conflict? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49: 410-415
- Schneider J.M., Roos J., Lubin Y. & J.R. Henschel 2001. Dispersal in Stegodyphus dumicola: they balloon after all! Journal of Arachnology 29: 114-116
- Elgar M.A., Schneider J.M. & M. Herberstein 2000. Females control paternity in a sexually cannibalistic spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B 267: 2439-2444
- Schneider J.M., Herberstein M.E., Champion der Crespigny F., Ramamurthy S. & M.A. Elgar 2000. Sperm competition and small size advantage for males of the golden orb-web spider Nephila edulis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 939-946
- Schneider J.M. 1999. Delayed oviposition: a female strategy to counter infanticide by males? Behavioral Ecology 10: 567-571
- Schneider J.M. & F. Vollrath 1998. The effect of prey type on the geometry of the capture web of Araneus diadematus. Naturwissenschaften 85: 391-394
- Schneider J.M. & Y. Lubin 1998. Intersexual conflict in spiders. In: Cost of Reproduction. Oikos 83: 496-506.
- Schneider J.M. & M.A. Elgar 1998. Spiders hedge genetic bets. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13 (6):218-219.
- Lubin Y., J. Hennicke and J.M. Schneider 1998. Settling Decisions of Dispersing Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae) Young. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 217-225.
- Schneider J.M. & Y. Lubin 1997. Does high adult mortality explain semelparity in the spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae).Oikos 79: 92-100
- Schneider J.M. & Y. Lubin 1997. Infanticide by males in a spider with suicidal maternal care, Stegodyphus lineatus. Animal Behaviour 54: 305-312
- Schneider J.M. 1997. Timing of maturation and the mating system of the spider, Stegodyphus lineatus: How important is body size? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 60: 517-525
- Schneider J.M. & Y. Lubin 1996. Infanticidal male eresid spiders. Nature 381: 655-656
- Schneider J.M. 1996. Food-intake, growth and relatedness in the subsocial spider, Stegodyphus lineatus. Ethology 102: 386-396
- Schneider J.M. 1996. Differential mortality and relative maternal investment in different life stages in Stegodyphus lineatus (Araneae, Eresidae). Journal of Arachnology 24: 148-154
- Henschel J.R., Schneider J.M. & T. Meikle 1996. Does group-living or aggregation of the spiders Stegodyphus affect parasitism by the wasp Pseudopompilus? Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 10: 138-140
- Schneider J.M. 1995. Survival and growth in groups of a subsocial spider, Stegodyphus lineatus. Insectes Sociaux 42: 237-248
- Henschel J.R., Lubin Y. & J.M. Schneider. 1995. Sexual competition in the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola (Araneae: Eresidae). Insectes Sociaux 42: 419-426
- Henschel J.R., Schneider J.M. & Y. Lubin 1995. Dispersal mechanisms by the spiders Stegodyphus: do they balloon? Journal of Arachnology 23: 202-204
- Schneider J. & J. Lamprecht 1990. The importance of biparental care in a precocial, monogamous bird, the bar-headed goose, (Anser indicus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 27: 415-419
Wiss. Werdegang
Academic CV | |
since 2004 | Full Professor of Behavioural Ecology, University of Hamburg, Germany |
2001-2004 | Heisenberg-Fellow (DFG), Evolutionary Biology, University of Bonn (Prof. K.-P. Sauer), Germany and Zoology, University of Melbourne (Prof. M.A. Elgar), Australia |
2003 | Habilitation in Zoology, University of Bonn, Germany |
2001 | Habilitation in Zoology, University of Mainz, Germany |
1999-2001 | Postdoc (DFG Habilitation Fellowship), Ecology, University of Mainz (Prof. A. Seitz), Germany |
1997-1998 | Postdoc (Australian Research Council), Zoology, University of Melbourne (Prof. M.A. Elgar), Australia |
1996-1997 | Postdoc (Marie-Curie Mobility Program), Zoology, University of Arhus (Prof. F. Vollrath), Denmark |
1993-1996 | Postdoc (Minerva Foundation, VATAT), Desert Ecology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Prof. P.M. Lubin), Israel |
1993 | PhD, Zoology, University of Munich (Prof. W. Wickler), |
1989 | Diploma (master), Biology, University of Mainz and MPIV Seewiesen (Prof. J. Lamprecht), Germany |
Professional Activities | |
since 2021 | Member of Peer Circle, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung |
2020-2028 | DFG Review Board (Elected member, Zoology) |
2014-2017 | Head of Department Biology |
2016-2024 | Elected member of the Academic Senate |
2010-2020 | Editor-in-Chief Ethology |
2004-2009 | Associate Editor Ethology |
2010-2014 | Council of the International Society for Behavioural Ecology |
2010-2020 | Extended Council Ethologische Gesellschaft |
2008-2012 | Editorial Board of Behavioral Ecology |
2008-2014 | Federal Council DHV |