Publikationen von Dr. Prem Raj Neupane
Neupane, P. M., Gauli, A., KC, R., Poudel, B. S., Köhl, M.. “Species-Specific Response to Climate Change: Evident through Retrospective Analysis Using Tree Ring Data”. Forests 14(4). (2023): S. 737.zum Artikel
Gauli, A., Neupane, P.R., Mundhenk, P., Köhl, M.. “Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of Tree Species: Dendroclimatological Analysis ”. Forests 13 (4) (2022): S. 496.zum Artikel
Darjee, K.B.; Neupane, P. R.; Köhl, M. “Do local perceptions of climate variability and changes correspond to observed climate changes? – a comparative study from Nepal as one of the most climate vulnerable countries.”. Weather, Climate and Society (2021) Do local perceptions of climate variability and changes correspond to observed climate changes? – a comparative study from Nepal as one of the most climate vulnerable countries.
Darjee, K.B., Sunam, R.K., Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R.. “Do National Policies Translate into Local Actions? Analyzing Coherence between Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Implications for Local Adaptation in Nepal”. Sustainability 13 (2021) Do National Policies Translate into Local Actions? Analyzing Coherence between Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Implications for Local Adaptation in Nepal
Neupane, P., Gauli, A., Mundhenk, P., Köhl, M.. “Developing indicators for participatory forest biodiversity monitoring systems in South Sumatra”. International Forest Review 22(4) (2020): S. 464-484.zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Ehrhart, H-P., Knauf, M., Neupane, P.R.. “A viable indicator approach for assessing sustainable forest management in terms of carbon emissions and removals”. (2020) zum Artikel
Butarbutar, T., Soedirman, S., Neupane, P. R., Köhl, M. “Carbon recovery following selective logging in tropical rainforests in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Forest Ecosystems 6, 36”. (2019)
Neupane, P.R., Wiati, C.B., Angi, E.M., Köhl, M., Butarbutar, T., Reonaldus, Gauli, A.. “How REDD+ and FLEGT-VPA processes are contributing towards SFM in Indonesia - the specialists' viewpoint”. International Forestr Review 21 (2019): S. 460-485.
Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R., Mundhenk, P.. “REDD+ measurement, reporting and verification – A cost trap? Implications for financing REDD+MRV costs by result-based payments”. Ecological Economics 168 (2019) zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Mundhenk, P., Neupane, P. R., Pekkarinen, A. “How the forests in central and northern Asia are changing? A snapshot of the results of the UN FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment 2015. In: Mueller, L., Sychev, V. G. (Eds.), Landscapes in the 21st Century: Status, Analysis, Basic Processes and Research Concepts. Vol. I, Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow”. (2018)
Maraseni,T. N., Deo, R.C., Qu, J., Gentle, P., Neupane, P. R. “An international comparison of rice consumption behaviours and greenhouse gas emissions from rice produktion. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 2288-2300”. (2018)
Köhl, M., Butarbutar, T., Neupane, P.R., Mues, V. “Kann Tropenwald klimaneutral gerechnet werden? AFZ Der Wald 10, 16-19”. (2018)
Neupane, P.R., Maraseni, T.N., Köhl, M.. “Sugarcane industry in Nepal: opportunities and challenges.”. (2017)
Pandit, R., Neupane, P.R., Wagle, B.H.. “Economics of carbon sequestration in community forests: Evidence from REDD+ piloting in Nepal.”. Journal of Forest Economics 26. (2017): S. 9-29.zum Artikel
Acharya, K.P., Paudel, P.K., Janwali, S.R., Neupane, P.R. and Köhl, M.. “Can forest fragmentation and configuration work as indicators of human–wildlife conflict? Evidences from human death and injury by wildlife attacks in Nepal.”. Ecological Indicators 80. (2017): S. 74-83.
Köhl, M.; P. R. Neupane, N. Lotfiomran. “The impact of tree age on biomass growth and carbon accumulation capacity: A retrospective analysis using tree ring data of three tropical tree species grown in natural forests of Suriname.”. PloS ONE 12(8). (2017)
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Neupane, P.R., Gauli, A., Maraseni, T., Kübler, D., Mundhenk, P., Dang, M.V., Köhl, M.. “A segregated assessment of total carbon stocks by the mode of origin and ecological functions of forests: Implication on restoration potential.”. International Forestry Review 19(S4). (2017): S. 1-28.
Acharya, K.P., Paudel, P.K., Neupane, P.R., Köhl, M.. “Human wildlife conflicts in Nepal: Identifying patterns of human fatalities and injury caused by large mammals. Biological Conservation. PLOS ONE.”. (2016)
Butarbutar, T., Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R.. “Harvested wood products and REDD+: Looking beyond the forest border. Carbon Balance and Management.”. 11. (2016): S. 1-12.
Neupane, P.R., Dhakal, A.. “Is the contribution of community forest users financially efficient? A household level benefit-cost analysis of community forest management in Nepal. International Journal of the Commons 10 (1), 142-157.”. (2016)
Plugge, D., Kübler, D., Neupane, P.R., Olschofsky, K., Prill, L.. “Measurement, Reporting and Verifications Systems in Forest Assessment.”. Tropical Forestry Handbook. Hg. Laslo, P., Köhl, M., (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016
Schneider, T.W., Neupane, P.R.. “International Processes: Framework Conditions for Tropical Forestry”. Tropical Forestry Handbook. Hg. Laslo, P., Köhl, M. (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016
Neupane, P.R.. “Viability assessment of jurisdictional Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) implementation in Vietnam, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Diss, Department of Biology. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg”. (2015)
Pokharel, R.K., Neupane, P.R., Tiwari, K.R., Köhl, M.. “Assessing the sustainability in community based forestry: a case from Nepal. Forest Policy and Economics 58”. (2015): S. 75-84.
Nguyen, T.T.H., Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R.. “Willingness to accept compensation for forest protection: A case study in Dinh Hoa District, Northern Vietnam, Green Economy and Sustainable Development. The 5th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE). August 5-7, 2015. EAAERE”. (2015) zum Artikel
Maraseni, T. N., Neupane, P. R., Lopez-Casero, F., Cadman, T.. “An assessment of the impacts of the REDD+ pilot project on community forests user groups (CFUGs) and their community forests in Nepal”. Journal of environmental management Vol. 136. (2014): S. 37--46.zum Artikel
Neupane, P.R., Köhl, M., Plugge, D.. “Supporting the Global Implementation of REDD and FLEGT”. Tropentag 2014 Book of abstracts: Prague, Czech Rep., Sept. 17-19, 2014. Hg. E.~Tielkes. 2014, S. 388.
Pokharel, R. K., Neupane, P. R., Tiwari, K. R., Köhl, M.. “Assessing the sustainability in community based forestry: A case from Nepal”. Forest Policy and Economics (2014) zum Artikel
Köhl, M., Schneider, T.W., Neupane, P. R., Lax, J, Poker, J. (Hg.). Approaches for the improvement of the economic sustainability of natural forest management in the tropics including REDD+ mechanism. . Berlin: Rhombos-Verl. 352 p., 2014.
Neupane, P.R.. “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD); A Revenue Source for Natural Forest Management in Vietnam: Implications for Forest Sector Institutions and Management Practices, Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences/School of the Environment and Natural Resources.”. (2009): S. p. 119.
Neupane, P.R.. “Impact of Community Forestry on Livelihood of Users: A Case Study from Tanahun District, Nepal, Institute of Forestry. Tribhuwan University, Pokhara”. (2003): S. p. 123..