Dr. Prem Raj Neupane

Photo: UHH
Research Associate
Field of Research
- International Forest Politics
- Climate, Forest and Land use
- International Forest Resource Assessment
- Biodiversity Monitoring System
- Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR)
- Participatory Forest Management
- Nepal
- Great Britain
- Vietnam
- Germany
- Costa Rica
Scientific CV
Academic studies
- M.Sc. in Tropical and International Forestry, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany (Thesis - not submitted)
- M.Sc. in Environmental Forestry, University of Wales, Bangor, UK
- M.Sc. in Tropical Forestry and Management, Technical University Dresden (TUD), Germany
- Ph D in Forestry (Dr. rer. nat), University of Hamburg, Institute for World Forestry, Germany
Work experience
- 12/1991-07/2005 Forest Ranger Department of Forests, Nepal
- 04/1996-03/1999 District Liaison Officer (Volunteer) SEED TREE, 802 West Cape Jellison Road, Stockton Springs, Maine 04981, USA
- 04/1999-07/2005 Forestry Coordinator (Volunteer) SEED TREE, 802 West Cape Jellison Road, Stockton Springs, Maine 04981, USA
- 05/2008-07/2008 Research Assistant Tyfiant Coed Project, University of Wales, Bangor, UK
- 09/2012-01/2013 Researcher Griffith University (ABN 78 106 094 461) and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan
- 08/2009-12/2013 Research Scientist Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute (TI)/Institute for World Forestry, Hamburg, Germany
- 05/2014 - 08/2015 Research Associate, Secretariat European Forest Institute (EFI) Project Centre SURF (Supporting the Global Implementation of REDD+ and FLEGT), University of Hamburg, Germany
- Since 09/2015 Senior Researcher, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Sustainable Forest Management approaches to foster Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation interactions (SAFARI 2015 - 2018)
- Biodiversity- and carbon assessment and -monitoring in South Sumatra, Indonesia (BICAMSu 2015-2016)
Other activities
- Vice President Friends of Nature, Nepal (FON Nepal)
- Review of Journals – Forest Policy and Economics, Land Use Policy, The International Forestry Review
- Supervision – BSc Thesis, Potentiality of Community Forest for Wildlife based tourism, Nepal
Neupane, P. M., Gauli, A., KC, R., Poudel, B. S., Köhl, M.. “Species-Specific Response to Climate Change: Evident through Retrospective Analysis Using Tree Ring Data”. Forests 14(4). (2023): S. 737.zum Artikel
Gauli, A., Neupane, P.R., Mundhenk, P., Köhl, M.. “Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of Tree Species: Dendroclimatological Analysis ”. Forests 13 (4) (2022): S. 496.zum Artikel
Darjee, K.B., Sunam, R.K., Köhl, M., Neupane, P.R.. “Do National Policies Translate into Local Actions? Analyzing Coherence between Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Implications for Local Adaptation in Nepal”. Sustainability 13 (2021) Do National Policies Translate into Local Actions? Analyzing Coherence between Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Implications for Local Adaptation in Nepal
Darjee, K.B.; Neupane, P. R.; Köhl, M. “Do local perceptions of climate variability and changes correspond to observed climate changes? – a comparative study from Nepal as one of the most climate vulnerable countries.”. Weather, Climate and Society (2021) Do local perceptions of climate variability and changes correspond to observed climate changes? – a comparative study from Nepal as one of the most climate vulnerable countries.
Köhl, M., Ehrhart, H-P., Knauf, M., Neupane, P.R.. “A viable indicator approach for assessing sustainable forest management in terms of carbon emissions and removals”. (2020) zum Artikel