Interactive effects of viral lysis and warmingIMF researcher Dr Claudia Ofelio and others argue that the way modern societies overconsume and waste natural resources are often disregarded when discussing global ecology.
20. November 2023, von Website Team Biologie
As part of a PIER Startup Fund, Dr Jana Hinners and Dr Luisa Listmann have developed a study that combines both modelling and empirical approaches to find out how viruses and zooplankton influence phytoplankton communities in the context of climate change.
After a one-year start-up project and a very good collaboration with Hereon, a paper has now been published in which a conceptual ecosystem modelling study (underlined by experimental data from the PIER project) shows, that viruses play a very important role in the biogeochemical nutrient cycles and that this is intensified by climate change.
The study has been published in Ecosystem Modelling. The insight gained in this study will in the future be applied to other ecosystems such as the Elbe where virus dynamics will be investigated via monitoring, applying experiments and modelling.
Paper: Shubham Krishna, Victoria Peterson, Luisa Listmann, Jana Hinners, Interactive effects of viral lysis and warming in a coastal ocean identified from an idealized ecosystem model,
Ecological Modelling,