Programm / Programme
Wednesday, 28th June 2023
1st Research Day: Scientific presentations
Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023 / Thursday, 29th June 2023
2. Forschungstag: „Biologie für ALLE“ / 2nd Research Day: "Biology for ALL"
Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften und Mikrobiologie (IPM), Carl von Linné lecture hall
1st Research Day: Scientific presentations
In English
12:15 – 1:00 p.m. | Registration | |
1:00 – 1:10 p.m. | Welcome address | |
1:10 – 2:30 p.m. |
SESSION I – Chair: Prof. Dr. Tobias Lenz |
1:10 – 1:25 p.m. | Tim Lienemann IPM, Molecular Plant Physiology |
E3 ubiquitin ligase function in defense-dependent membrane trafficking |
1:25 – 1:40 p.m. | Dr. Kim Rohlfing IZS, Molecular Evolutionary Biology |
Insights into the female bias of the flea beetle Altica lythri |
1:40 – 1:55 p.m. | Sophie Steinhausen IPM, Aquatic Ecophysiology & Phycology |
A promising solution beneath the oceans: climate friendly dairy products? |
1:55 – 2:10 p.m. | Artemis Efstratiou IZS, Evolutionary Immunogenomics |
Immune cell diversity during infection in a natural animal model for adaptive immunity |
2:10 – 2:30 p.m. | FLASH TALKS | |
Robert Dierkes IPM, Microbiology & Biotechnology |
Screening for plastic eating bacteria | |
Alina Sanken IZS, Molecular Evolutionary Biology |
Analysis of reproductive anomalies in the flea beetle Altica lythri (Chrysomalidae) | |
Stefan Wirling IPM, Plant Biochemistry & Infection Biology |
Plant viruses and peroxisomes: hide it, till you make it | |
2:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Coffee Break | |
3:00 – 4:20 p.m. |
SESSION II – Chair: Prof. Dr. Ina Meier |
3:00 – 3:15 p.m. | Dr. Mirko Himmel IPM, Microbiology & Biotechnology |
Infections under the microscope: from small objects to big solutions? |
3:15 – 3:30 p.m. | Jan Conradt IMF, Marine Ecosystem Dynamics & Management |
Climate-proof management of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua L.) in a deeply-uncertain future |
3:30 – 3:45 p.m. | Dr. Nombuso Ngubane IPM, Organismic Botany & Mycology |
Fungal endophyte assemblages within olives in the Core Cape Subregion, South Africa |
3:45 – 4:00 p.m. | Dr. Julien R.G. Navarro IHW, Wood Physic & Wood Chemistry |
Production of hybrid bio-based gel-ink materials made of polymer grafted nanocellulose, with stimuli-responsive behavior and suitable for 3D printing application |
4:00 – 4:20 p.m. | FLASH TALKS | |
Lucas Lang IPM, Developmental Biology |
Planting the seed: inception of the Plant DREAM Complex | |
Prof. Dr. Christian Lohr IZS, Neurophysiology |
Covid-19 and the brain | |
Raphael Moll IPM, Microbiology & Biotechnology |
Multispecies biofilms - insights into interaction and competition among lung pathogens | |
4:20 – 4:50 p.m. | Coffee Break | |
4:50 – 6:10 p.m. |
Session III – Chair: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Flemming Dahlke |
4:50 – 5:05 p.m. | Yuoyao Ma IPM, Ecological Modelling |
Can we explain community assembly of mosses and lichens? |
5:05 – 5:20 p.m. | Max Flaig IHW, Chemical Wood Technology |
Chemotaxonomic identification of tropical wood species in paper |
5:20 – 5:35 p.m. | Dr. Nathan W. Burke IZS, Behavioural Biology |
Male coercion and female injury in the sexually cannibalistic springbok mantis |
5:35 – 5:50 p.m. | Dr. Ben Branoff IPM, Applied Plant Ecology |
Carbon cycling in the Elbe and the role of biota |
5:50 – 6:10 p.m. | FLASH TALKS | |
Anastasiia Skuba IPM, Molecular Plant Physiology |
How structure of eEF1Bγ2 connected to cellular condensates | |
Ebenezer Ntiriakwa IPM, Plant Biochemistry & Infection Biology |
Deciphering the proteome architecture of peroxisomes | |
Marie Vogel IMF, Plankton Ecology & Evolution |
The disentangling of epigenetics & phenotypic plasticity of the world's smallest free-living eukaryot | |
6:10 – 6:15 p.m. |
Voting instructions for best presentation and flash talk, closing remarks and outlook for next day |
2. Forschungstag: „Biologie für ALLE“ / 2nd Research Day: "Biology for ALL"
Auf Deutsch / All talks will be translated synchronously into English.
08:30 – 09:00 Uhr | Anmeldung | |
09:00 – 09:10 Uhr | Begrüßung | |
09:10 – 10:40 Uhr |
Teil 1 – Moderation: Prof. Dr. Julia Kehr |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Streit (IPM) | Bakterien als Plastikmüllabfuhr? | |
Prof. Dr. Nicole Aberle-Malzahn (IMF) | Von Fischen und Plankton: Wie der globale Wandel Meeresökosysteme beeinflusst | |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Esther Diekhof (IZS) | Wie unsere Wahrnehmung die Immunantwort beeinflussen kann | |
10:40 – 11:10 Uhr | Kaffeepause | |
11:10 – 12:30 Uhr | Teil 2 – Moderation: Prof. Dr. Sigrun Reumann |
Prof. Dr. Linnea Hesse (IHW) | Bionik: Wie Pflanzen die Technik inspirieren | |
Prof. Dr. Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit (BNITM/UHH) |
Wie hilft Mücken-Post gegen Virus Ausbrüche? |
Preisverleihung für den besten englischen Forschungsvortrag und Flash-Talk und Abschlussworte |
12:30 – 13:30 Uhr | Mittagspause | |
13:30 – 14:00 Uhr |
Angebot von Führungen durch den Loki Schmidt Garten, das Herbarium Hamburgense oder die Mikroalgensammlung MZCH |
14:00 – 15:00 Uhr | Gemeinsamer Aufbau des Sommerfestes | |
Ab 15:00 Uhr | SOMMERFEST des Fachbereiches Biologie im Mensa-Garten |
Download Programme / Programm A4 PDF (319KB)
Institut für Holzwissenschaften
Institute of Wood Science
Institut für marine Ökosystem- und Fischereiwissenschaften
Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science
Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften und Mikrobiologie
Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology
Institut für Zell- und Systembiologie der Tiere
Institute of Animal Cell and Systems Biology