Dr. Luisa Listmann

PostDoc & Head of lab
The interest and love for the sea took me from the Swiss mountainous/hilly landscape to Northern Germany where I started my studies and research on the fascinating and interesting habitat "sea". My science is dedicated to our future on this beautiful planet Earth and I am particularly interested in how anthropogenic stressors affect species, populations and communities.
My research focuses on marine phytoplankton and all factors that can influence their growth and role in the ecosystem. During my PhD, I focused on eco-evolutionary dynamics in phytoplankton communities and how they are affected by different environmental changes. More specifically, I studied the adaptation of a simple phytoplankton community and the associated eco-evolutionary dynamics. Since then, my research interests have broadened to include marine viruses, as they can play an important (sometimes controlling) role in the ecosystem. By combining laboratory experiments with analyses of environmental samples and occasionally mathematical modelling, I take an integrative approach and aim to find out how marine phytoplankton change and, if necessary, adapt in the rapidly changing environment.