Georg Respondek

PhD Student
Research interests
Harvest control rules
Community based resource management
Small scale fisheries
The core of my research interest is the interaction of humans in and with their natural environment. I have a special interest in the investigation of self- and co-management regimes in small scale fisheries. My current work focuses on the self-management of the North Sea Brown Shrimp fishery, one of the rare examples of self-management implemented by a highly developed industrial fishery.
CRANMAN 2 (11/2023 – 10/2026)
Educational background
Academic education
- 3/2009 to 03/2010 Diploma study , topic “Analysis of ecological and economical influencing factors and their impact on the spatial and temporal fleet behavior of the German Brown shrimp fisheries“, University Hamburg, IHF
Selected Presentations and Publications
Respondek, G., Günther, C., Beier, U., Bleeker, K., Pedersen, E. M., Schulze, T., & Temming, A. (2022). Connectivity of local sub-stocks of Crangon crangon in the North Sea and the risk of local recruitment overfishing. Journal of Sea Research, 181, Article 102173.
G. Respondek, J. Gröger, J. Floeter, and A. Temming. Variability of fishing effort for the German brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) fishing fleet: influencing factors, and seasonal and spatial patterns. ICES J. Mar. Sci. (September/October 2014) 71 (7)
„IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishing in the MENA (Middle east and North Africa) region”; 06/2015, Interpol Regional Environmental Security and Investigative Seminar for the Middle East and North Africa; Amman, Jordan
“Effort is the answer – fishermen’s response in a self-designed management system”. Georg Respondek, Dr. Claudia Günther, Prof. Dr. Axel Temming. ICES CM 2018/ Theme session R. ICES Annual Science Conference 2018, Hamburg
“Evaluating management strategies for a short-lived highly variable target species: MSC-certified North Sea Brown shrimp fisheries”. Dr. Claudia Günther, Prof. Dr. Axel Temming, Georg Respondek. ICES CM 2018/ Theme session Q. ICES Annual Science Conference 2018, Hamburg
Former employment and past projects
CRANMAN - Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Biologie und Fischerei der Nordseegarnele CRANgon crangon als Basis für ein effizientes SelbstMANagement System, Uni Hamburg, 08/2018 - 09/2022
Project management on behalf of Octopod GmbH for WWF International, WWF Singapore; 10/2016 – 03/2017; 07/2016 – 09/2016; 06/2016 –08/2017
Project development and facilitation „Sustainable Fisheries in Aqaba“ for GIZ GmbH in cooperation with the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan, Aqaba; 05/2014 – 12/2015
Project development and facilitation „Plastic Garbage – Out to Sea?“ for GIZ GmbH in cooperation with the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan and the DROSOS Foundation, Zurich and Aqaba; 08/2013 – 03/2014
Scientific advice of the campaign „Throw it Right“ (public campaign to reduce littering) for GIZ GmbH in cooperation with Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan, Aqaba; 11/2014 – 09/2015
Design and advice for developing a monitoring scheme for data collection supporting the „National Report on Biodiversity of Jordan“ for GIZ GmbH in cooperation with Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan, Aqaba; 10/2013 – 09/2015
Data analysis and evaluation of the status of protected marine species according to the Flora-Fauna-Habitat framework of the European Union in behalf of the University Hamburg for the „Bundesamt für Naturschutz“ (German Federal Department of Environmental Conservation); 08/2012 – 02/2013
Statistical analysis of catch and effort data of the German brown shrimp fishing fleet for the Thuenen Institute for Marine Fisheries, Hamburg; 01/2011 – 03/2011