Dr. Arne M. Malzahn

Senior Scientist
Research Interest
· Ecology of larval fish
· Plankton ecology
· Mechanisms controlling growth and mortality
· Trophic interactions and trophic transfer
· Ecological stoichiometry
· Ecological control mechanisms
· Jellyfish ecology
· Aquaculture
· Circular bioeconomy
For an up-to-date publication list please refer to my Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: C-5851-2013 or my Orcid: 0000-0002-2027-0804
The list below is from November 2023
Aberle N, Malzahn AM (2007) Inter-specific and nutrient-dependent variations in stable isotope fractionation: experimental studies simulating pelagic multi-trophic systems. Oecologia 154: 291-303
Aberle N, Malzahn AM, Grey J, Hillebrand H, Wiltshire KH (2009) Altered complementary feeding strategies of the consumers Hydrobia ulvae and Idotea emarginata via passive selectivity. Helgol Mar Res 63: 189-197
Aberle N, Malzahn AM, Lewandowska A, Sommer U (2015) Some like it hot: the protozooplankton – copepod link in a warming ocean. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 519: 103-113 doi 10.3354/meps11081
Aberle N, Schulz KG, Stuhr A, Malzahn AM, Ludwig A, Riebesell U (2013) High tolerance of microzooplankton to ocean acidification in an Arctic coastal plankton community. Biogeosciences 10: 1471-1781
Algueró-Muñiz M, Alvarez-Fernandez S, Thor P, Bach LT, Esposito M, Horn HG, Ecker U, Langer JAF, Taucher J, Malzahn AM, Riebesell U, Boersma M (2017) Ocean acidification effects on mesozooplankton community development: Results from a long-term mesocosm experiment. PLOS ONE 12: e0175851 doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0175851
Anglade I, Dahl TH, Kristensen BSB, Hagemann A, Malzahn AM, Reitan KI (2023) Biochemical composition of Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) reared on aquaculture sludge and its potential as an aquafeed resource. Frontiers in Marine Science 10 doi 10.3389/fmars.2023.1197052
Anglade I, Krisensen BSB, Dahl TH, Hagemann A, Malzahn AM, Reitan KI (2023) Upcycling of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from aquaculture sludge using the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereidae). Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 doi 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1278586
Baumann H, Hinrichsen H, Malzahn AM, Möllmann C, Köster FW, Temming A (2006) Recruitment variability in Baltic Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus) is tightly coupled to temperature and transport patterns affecting the larval and early juvenile stages. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2191-2201
Baumann H, Malzahn AM (2007) New analyses of juvenile sprat growth and temporal origin in the German Bight (North Sea). Globec International Newsletter 13: 30-31
Baumann H, Malzahn AM, Voss R, Temming A (2009) The German Bight (North Sea) is a nursery area for both locally and externally produced sprat juveniles. J Sea Res 61: 234-243
Boersma M, Aberle N, Hantzsche FM, Schoo KL, Wiltshire K, Malzahn AM (2008) Nutritional limitation travels up the food chain. Int Rev Hydrobiol 93: 479-488
Boersma M, Augustin CB, Knotz S, Schütte T, Malzahn AM, Laakmann S, van Beusekom JJE (2006) Effects of nutritional quality on copepod reproduction. Globec International Newsletter 12: 67-69
Boersma M, Becker C, Malzahn AM, Vernooij S (2009) Food chain effects of nutrient limitation in primary producers. Marine and Freshwater Research 60: 983-989
Boersma M, Malzahn AM, Greve W, Javidpour J (2007) The first occurrence of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the North Sea. Helgol Mar Res 61: 153-155 doi DOI 10.1007/s10152-006-0055-2
Clemmesen C, Malzahn AM, Peck MA, Schnack D (2009) Advances in early life history study of fish: Foreword. Scientia Marina 73 S1: 9-9
Dittami S, Wichard T, Malzahn AM, Pohnert G, Boersma M, Wiltshire K (2010) Culture conditions affect fatty acid content along with wound-activated production of polyunsaturated aldehydes in Thalassiosira rotula (Coscinodiscophyceae). Nova Hedwigia 136: 231-248
Fossberg J, Forbord S, Broch OJ, Malzahn AM, Jansen H, Handa A, Førde H, Bergvik M, Fleddum AL, Skjermo J, Olsen Y (2018) The potential for upscaling kelp (Saccharina latissima) cultivation in salmon-driven integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA). Frontiers in Marine Science 5
Frommel AY, Maneja R, Lowe D, Malzahn AM, Geffen AJ, Folkvord A, Piatkowski U, Reusch TBH, Clemmesen C (2012) Severe tissue damage in Atlantic cod larvae under increasing ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change 2: 42-46 doi http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nclimate1324.html#supplementary-information
Gomes-dos-Santos A, Hagemann A, Valente L, Malzahn AM, Monroig Ó, Froufe E, Castro LFC (2021) Complete mitochondrial genome of the ragworm annelid Hediste diversicolor (of Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereididae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6: 2849-2851 doi 10.1080/23802359.2021.1970644
Hagemann A, Malzahn AM, Hansen BH, Ribicic D, Sarno A, Kjørsvik E, Vo TA, Jager T (2021) STARTRENS – optimalisert startfôring av rensefisk. SINTEF Ocean, Trondheim
Hamer HH, Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2011) The invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi: a threat to fish recruitment in the North Sea? J Plankton Res 33: 137-144 doi 10.1093/plankt/fbq100
Hansen BH, Kjørsvik E, Malzahn AM, Sarno A, Kulid OM, Farkas J, Nordtug T, Rye R, Kvæstad B, Lein I, Hagemann A (2022) Oocyte lipid profiling and egg quality in wild and captive lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus (Linnaeus, 1758). Aquaculture
Hansen BH, Malzahn A, Hagemann A, Farkas J, Skancke J, Altin D, Nordtug T (2019) Acute and sub-lethal effects of an anionic polyacrylamide on sensitive early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Sci Total Environ 652: 1062-1070 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.310
Hielscher NN, Malzahn AM, Diekmann R, Aberle N (2015) Trophic niche partitioning of littoral fish species from the rocky intertidal of Helgoland, Germany. Helgol Mar Res 69: 385-399 doi 10.1007/s10152-015-0444-5
Hillebrand H, Steinert G, Boersma M, Malzahn AM, Meunier CL, Plum C, Ptacnik R (2013) Goldman revisited: faster growing phytoplankton has lower N:P and lower stoichiometric flexibility. Limnol Oceanogr 58: 2076-2088
Jager T, Malzahn AM, Hagemann A, Hansen BH (2022) Testing a simple energy-budget model for yolk-feeding stages of cleaner fish. Ecol Model 469: 110005 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110005
Jaspers C, Huwer B, Antajan E, Hosia A, Hinrichsen HH, Biastoch A, Angel D, Asmus R, Augustin C, Bagheri S, Beggs SE, Balsby TJS, Boersma M, Bonnet D, Christensen JT, Daenhardt A, Delpy F, Falkenhaug T, Finenko G, Fleming N, Fuentes V, Galil B, Griffin DC, Haslob H, Javidpour J, Kamburska L, Kube S, Langenberg V, Lehtiniemi M, Lombard F, Malzahn AM, Marambio M, Mihneva V, Møller LF, Niermann U, Okyar MI, Özdemir ZB, Pitois S, Reusch THB, Robbens J, Stefanova K, Thibault D, van der Veer H, Vansteenbrugge L, van Walraven L, Woźniczka A (2018) Ocean current connectivity propelling secondary spread of a marine invasive comb jelly across western Eurasia. Global Ecol Biogeogr 27: 814-827
Kabeya N, Gür I, Oboh A, Evjemo JO, Malzahn AM, Hontoria F, Navarro JC, Monroig O (2020) Unique fatty acid desaturase capacities uncovered in Hediste diversicolor illustrate the roles of aquatic invertebrates in trophic upgrading. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375: 20190654 doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2019.0654
Kröncke I, Boersma M, Czeck R, Dippner JW, Ehrich S, Exo MK, Hüppop O, Malzahn AM, Marencic H, Markert A (2012) Auswirkungen auf marine Lebensräume. In: Mosbrugger V, Brasseur GP, Schaller M, Stribrny B (eds) Klimawandel und Biodiversität-Folgen für Deutschland. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, pp 420
Lesniowki T, Gambill M, Holst S, Peck MA, Algueró-Muñiz M, Haunost M, Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2015) Effects of food and CO2 on growth dynamics of polyps of the scyphozoans (Cyanea capillata and Chrysaora hysoscella) Mar Biol 162: 1371–1382 doi 10.1007/s00227-015-2660-6
Malzahn AM (2001) Wachstum und Mortalität von Coregonenlarven bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen. Fisheries Biology, Kiel
Malzahn AM (2006) Larval fish dynamics in changing environments. Fisheries Biology, Kiel
Malzahn AM, Aberle N, Clemmesen C, Boersma M (2007) Nutrient limitation of primary producers affects planktivorous fish condition. Limnol Oceanogr 52: 2062-2071 doi 10.4319/lo.2007.52.5.2062
Malzahn AM, Aberle N, Schoo KL, Boersma M (2015) Culture conditions affect the nutritional value of the copepod Acartia tonsa. Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences 19: 40-46
Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2007) Year-to-year variation in larval fish assemblages of the Southern North Sea. Helgol Mar Res 61: 117-126
Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2009) Trophic flexibility in larvae of two fish species (lesser sandeel, Ammodytes marinus and dab, Limanda limanda). Scientia Marina 73: 131-139
Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2012) Effects of poor food quality on copepod growth are dose dependent and non-reversible. Oikos 121: 1408-1416
Malzahn AM, Clemmesen C, Rosenthal H (2003) Temperature effects on growth and nucleic acids in laboratory-reared larval coregonid fish. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 259: 285-293
Malzahn AM, Clemmesen C, Wiltshire KH, Laakmann S, Boersma M (2007) Comparative nutritional condition of larval dab and lesser sandeel in a highly variable environment. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 334: 205-212
Malzahn AM, Dannheim J, Schröder A (2008) Nahrungsgrundlagen von marinen Säugetieren und Seevögeln in Schutzgebieten. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Vilm
Malzahn AM, Doerfler D, Boersma M (2016) Junk food gets healthier when it’s warm. Limnol Oceanogr 61: 1677–1685
Malzahn AM, Hantzsche FM, Schoo KL, Boersma M, Aberle N (2010) Differential effects of nutrient-limited primary production on primary, secondary or tertiary consumers. Oecologia 162: 35-48
Malzahn AM, Lillebjerka T, Kjørsvik E, Hagemann A (2023) Effects of temperature, salinity and diet on embryonic and early larval development in Littorina littorea (Gastropoda: Littorinimorpha). Frontiers in Marine Science 10 doi 10.3389/fmars.2023.1240599
Malzahn AM, Ribicic D, Hansen BH, Sarno A, Kjørsvik E, Aase AS, Musialak L, Garcia-Calvo L, Hagemann A (2022) First feed matters: The first diet of larval fish programmes growth, survival and metabolism of larval ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) Aquaculture doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738586
Malzahn AM, Sarno A, Hagemann A, Farkas J, Musialak L, Kjørsvik E, Hansen BH (2022) Can lipidomics help identifying egg quality in ballan wrasse? Aquaculture 552: 738018 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738018
Malzahn AM, Sarno A, Hagemann A, Farkas J, Musialak LA, Kjørsvik E, Hansen BH (2022) Can lipidomics help identifying egg quality in ballan wrasse? Aquaculture 552: 738018 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738018
Malzahn AM, Solvang T (2017) Quality testing of copepodid eggs using machine vision (Eggscan)
Malzahn AM, Van Beusekom JJE, Wiltshire K, Aberle N, Boersma M (2007) Shift in larval fish’ diets related to phytoplankton blooms revealed by stable isotope analysis. Globec International Newsletter 13: 68-69
Malzahn AM, Villena-Rodríguez A, Navarro JC, Monroig Ó, Johansen Å, Castro LFC, Hagemann A (2023) Diet rather than temperature determines the biochemical composition of the ragworm Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereidae). Aquaculture 569: 739368 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739368
Meunier CL, Alvarez‐Fernandez S, Cunha‐Dupont AÖ, Geisen C, Malzahn AM, Boersma M, Wiltshire KH (2018) The craving for phosphorus in heterotrophic dinoflagellates and its potential implications for biogeochemical cycles. Limnol Oceanogr 63: 1774-1784 doi doi:10.1002/lno.10807
Meunier CL, Boersma M, Wiltshire K, Malzahn AM (2016) Even zooplankton eats what it needs: copepod selective feeding and its consequences for marine systems. Oikos 125: 50-58 doi 10.1111/oik.02072
Meunier CL, Haafke J, Oppermann B, Boersma M, Malzahn AM (2012) Dynamic stoichiometric response to food quality fluctuations in the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. Mar Biol 159: 2241-2248 doi 10.1007/s00227-012-2009-3
Meunier CL, Hantzsche F, Cunha-Dupont A, Haafke J, Oppermann B, Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2012) Intraspecific selectivity, compensatory feeding and flexible homeostasis in the phagotrophic flagellate Oxyrrhis marina: three ways to handle food quality fluctuations. Hydrobiol 680: 53-62 doi 10.1007/s10750-011-0900-4
Meunier CL, Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2014) A new approach to homeostatic regulation: towards a unified view of physiological and ecological concepts. PloS ONE 9: e107737 doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0107737
Meunier CL, Schulz K, Boersma M, Malzahn AM (2013) Impact of swimming behaviour and nutrient limitation on predator–prey interactions in pelagic microbial food webs. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 446: 29-35 doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2013.04.015
Meyer S, Caldarone EM, Chícharo MA, Clemmesen C, Faria AM, Faulk C, Folkvord A, Holt GJ, Høie H, Kanstinger P, Malzahn AM, Moran D, Petereit C, Støttrup JG, Peck MA (2012) On the edge of death: Rates of decline and lower thresholds of biochemical condition in food-deprived fish larvae and juveniles. J Mar Syst 93: 11-24 doi 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.09.010
Paulsen M, Clemmesen C, Hammer C, Polte P, Malzahn AM (2016) Food-limited growth of larval Atlantic herring Clupea harengus recurrently observed in a coastal nursery area. Helgol Mar Res 70: 17 doi 10.1186/s10152-016-0470-y
Paulsen M, Clemmesen C, Malzahn AM (2011) Essential fatty acid (docosahexaeonic acid, DHA) affects RNA:DNA ratio of larval herring in the field. ICES Annual Science Conference, Gdansk, Poland
Paulsen M, Clemmesen C, Malzahn AM (2011) Essential fatty acid (docosahexaeonic acid, DHA) affects RNA:DNA ratio of larval herring in the field. 2nd Young Scientist Cluster Conference,, Bremen, Germany
Paulsen M, Clemmesen C, Malzahn AM (2014) Essential fatty acid availability (docosahexaeonic acid, DHA) affects growth of larval herring in the field. Mar Biol 161: 239-244 doi DOI 10.1007/s00227-013-2313-6
Paulsen M, Clemmesen C, Malzahn AM (2016) Size dependent growth is not an issue in a world of plenty. Rapp Comm int Mer Médit 41: 331
Paulsen M, Hammer C, Malzahn AM, Polte P, Dorrien C, Clemmesen C (2012) Nutritional situation for larval Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) in the western Baltic Sea. 36th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Bergen, Norway
Paulsen M, Hammer C, Malzahn AM, Polte P, Von Dorrein C, Clemmesen C (2014) Nutritional situation for larval Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) in two nursery areas in the western Baltic Sea ICES J Mar Sci 71: 991-1000 doi doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fst168
Piarulli S, Hansen BH, Ciesielski T, Zocher A-L, Malzahn A, Olsvik PA, Sonne C, Nordtug T, Jenssen BM, Booth AM, Farkas J (2021) Sources, distribution and effects of rare earth elements in the marine environment: Current knowledge and research gaps. Environ Pollut: 118230 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118230
Prigge E, Malzahn AM, Zumholz K, Hanel R (2012) Dietary effects on fatty acid composition in muscle tissue of juvenile European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.). Helgol Mar Res 66: 51-61 doi DOI 10.1007/s10152-011-0246-3
Samico R, Machado AM, Domingues M, Hagemann A, Valente L, Malzahn A, Gomes-dos-Santos A, Ruivo R, Monroig Ó, Castro LFC (2022) A de novo transcriptome assembly of the annelid worm Hediste diversicolor. bioRxiv: 2022.2007.2020.500767 doi 10.1101/2022.07.20.500767
Schoo KL, Aberle N, Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2010) Does the nutrient stoichiometry of primary producers affect the secondary consumer Pleurobrachia pileus? Aquat Ecol 44: 233-242
Schoo KL, Aberle N, Malzahn AM, Boersma M (2012) Food quality affects secondary consumers even at low quantities: An experimental test with larval european lobster. PloS ONE 7: e33550 doi doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033550
Schoo KL, Aberle N, Malzahn AM, Schmalenbach I, Boersma M (2014) The reaction of European lobster larvae (Homarus gammarus) to different quality food: effects of ontogenetic shifts and pre-feeding history. Oecologia 174: 581-594 doi 10.1007/s00442-013-2786-5
Schoo KL, Boersma M, Malzahn AM, Löder MGJ, Wiltshire KH, Aberle N (2018) Dietary and seasonal variability in trophic relations at the base of the North Sea pelagic food web revealed by stable isotope and fatty acid analysis. J Sea Res 141: 61-70 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2018.08.004
Schoo KL, Malzahn AM, Schnell S, Krause EM, Boersma M (2013) Increased carbon dioxide availability impacts a marine planktonic herbivore. Mar Biol 160: 2145-2155 doi DOI 10.1007/s00227-012-2121-4
Wang H, Hagemann A, Malzahn AM, Handå A, Uhre M, Kjørsvik E, Reitan KI (2020) The role of manipulating photoperiod and temperature in oocyte development of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1976). Frontiers in Marine Science 7 doi 10.3389/fmars.2020.544061
Wang H, Hagemann A, Reitan KI, Eilertson J, Wollan H, Handå A, Malzahn A (2019) Production of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor using side streams from aquaculture and biogas production and its potential as an aquaculture food source. Aquacult Environ Interact 11: 551-562 doi https://doi.org/10.3354/aei00331
Wang H, Hagemann A, Reitan KI, Handå A, Uhre M, Malzahn AM (2020) Embryonic and larval development in the semelparous Nereid polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) in Norway: Challenges and perspectives. Aquacult Res 51: 4135-4151 doi 10.1111/are.14756
Wang H, Seekamp I, Malzahn AM, Hagemann A, Carvajal AK, Slizyte R, Standal IB, Handå A, Reitan KI (2019) Growth and nutritional composition of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) cultivated on wastes from land-based salmon smolt aquaculture. . Aquaculture 502: 232-241 doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.12.047
Wiltshire KH, Malzahn AM, Wirtz K, Greve W, Janisch S, Mangelsdorf P, Manly B, Boersma M (2008) Resilience of North Sea phytoplankton spring bloom dynamics: An analysis of long term data at Helgoland Roads. Limnol Oceanogr 53: 1294-1302
Education & Employment
-Doctoral degree in Fisheries Biology, 2005 Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, and Christian Albrecht University Kiel, Germany
-Diploma in Fisheries Biology 2001, Christian Albrecht University Kiel, Germany
Past positions
2019 –2023 Senior Researcher at SINTEF Ocean, Environment and new resources, Trondheim, Norway
2016- 2019 Researcher at SINTEF Ocean, Environment and new resources, Trondheim (Norway)
2015- 2016 Period of parental leave due to relocation of our family to Trondheim (Norway)
2012-2015 Assistant Professor in Biological Oceanography at Sultan Qaboos University, Department for Marine Science and Fisheries, College of Agriculture and Marine Science (Oman)
2009-2011 GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht (Germany)
2007-2012 Research Associate at the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Germany), focussing on plankton ecology (trophic interactions, nutrient transfer through plankton food webs, larval fish and jellyfish ecology and plankton time series analysis.
2006-2007 Project Scientist at the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar- and Marine Research, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Germany) with a focus on sandeel ecology.
2006 Project Scientist at the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar- and Marine Research, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Germany), focusing on the analysis of the Helgoland Roads Long term data set.
2003-2006 Ph.D. Student at the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar- and Marine Research within the Food-web project, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Germany) focusing on ichthyoplankton ecology
2001-2002 Scientist within the EU-Project “Ecocarp”, Institute for Marine Research, Kiel (Germany)