Dr. Nicole Funk
Research Interests
- Sustainable fisheries management
- Ecologic-social dilemmas in fisheries
- Hydroacoustics
- Spatial-temporal distribution of fish species
Peer-Review Publications
Funk, S., Funk, N., Herrmann, J.-P., Hinrichsen, H.-H., Krumme, U., Möllmann, C., Temming, A (2023). Tracing growth patterns in cod (Gadus morhua L.) using bioenergtic modelling. Ecology and Evolution doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10751
Van Treeck, R., Radinger, J., Smialek, N., Pander, J., Geist, J., Mueller, M., Wolter, C. (2021). Evaluation of a novel tool to assess hydropower hazards for European fish populations. Sustainable Energy Technologies & Assessments, 51, 101906. doi: 10.1016/j.seta.2021.101906
Smialek, N., Pander, J. & Geist, J. (2021). Atlantic salmon and brown trout in freshwater: environmental threats and conservation management implications. Fisheries Management & Ecology, 28, 437 – 467. doi: 10.1111/fme.12507
Smialek, N., Pander, J., Heinrich, A. & Geist, J. (2021). Sneaker, dweller and commuter: evaluating fish behavior in net-based monitoring at hydropower plants – A case study on brown trout (Salmo trutta). Sustainability, 13, 669. doi: 10.3390/su13020669
Venus, T. E., Smialek, N., Pander, J., Harby, A. & Geist, J. (2020). Evaluating cost trade-offs between hydropower and fish passage mitigation. Sustainability, 12, 8520. doi: 10.3390/su12208520
Smialek, N., Pander, J., Mueller, M., van Treeck, R., Wolter, C. & Geist, J. (2019). Do we know enough to save European riverine fish? – A systematic review on autecological requirements during critical life stages of 10 rheophilic species at risk. Sustainability, 11, 5011. doi: 10.3390/su11185011
Venus, T. E., Smialek, N., Pander, J., Harper, R., Adeva-Bustos, A., Harby, A., Hansen, B. (2020). D4.3 General cost figures for relevant solution, methods and tools. FIThydro Technical Deliverable, pp. 99. www.fithydro.eu
Smialek, N., Pander, J., Geist, J. (2019). Ansprüche von Salmoniden an Laichgewässer und Interstitialqualität. Fachbericht 100, Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen (LANUV), pp. 69.
Wolter, C., van Treeck, R., Radinger, J., Smialek, N., Pander, J., Müller, M. & Geist, J. (2018). D1.2 Risk classification of European lampreys and fish species. FIThydro Technical Deliverable, pp. 39. www.fithydro.eu
Selected oral presentations
Smialek, N., Schwermer, H. (2023). Q-Studie zur Wahrnehmung der Küstenfischerei durch TouristInnen. IKE Treffen, 27.03.2023, Sassnitz.
Smialek, N., Pander, J., Mueller, M., van Treeck, R., Wolter, C. & Geist, J. (2021). (Un-)bekanntes zur Nase – ein Einblick in die graue und wissenschaftliche Literatur. 18. Fachtagung Fischartenschutz & Gewässerökologie, Jena, Germany, September 2021.
Smialek, N., Pander, J., Mueller, M., van Treeck, R., Wolter, C. & Geist, J. (2020). Do we know enough to manage European riverine fish? – A critical focus on autecological data in grey and peer-reviewed literature. #HydroFish2020 Twitter Conference on Hydropower, Fish and River Connectivity, online at Twitter, October 2020.
Smialek, N. (2019). Fish populations at risk and monitoring strategies. Seminar zur Lösung wissenschaftlicher Probleme in Gewässerökologie und Aquakultur, Freising, Germany, July 2019.
Smialek, N. & Venus, T. (2020) Costs of solutions. FIThydro Wiki entry: https://www.fithydro.wiki/index.php/Costs_of_solutions
Improved transdisciplinary science for effective ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning and conservation in European Seas
Laufzeit des Vorhabens: Oktober 2022 - September 2025
Gefördert durch: EU Horizon
Aufgaben im Projekt: Mitarbeit in den Arbeitspaketen 1-4
Persönlicher Forschungsschwerpunkt: Bewertung von Meeresschutzgebieten in der westlichen Ostsee
Adaptation of the western baltic coastal fischery to climate change
Project duration: November 2020 – Oktober 2023
Funded by: PtJ/BMBF
Project tasks:
- Work Package 5: Projekt management
- Partizipation in Work Packages 1-4
Personal research focus: stock-recruitment realtionship hering, ecological requirements of marine fish species of the western Baltic Sea, adaptation narratives of small-scale coastal fisheries
Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower
Project duration: November 2016 - April 2021
Funded by: EU Horizon 2020
Project tasks:
- Work Package 1: fish population development in HP effected environments
- Work Package 4: cost effective management strategies to improve the development of self-sustained fish populations at existing and new HPPs
Personal research focus: ecology and behaviour of rheophilic freshwater fish species in hydropower affected rivers and assessment of current human/fish conflicts and methods to improve fish conservation and fisheries management strategies
Educational Background
2021 PhD: Aquatic systems biology
Title of PhD thesis: “Challenges in fish conservation in hydropower affected rivers in Europe”.
2017 Master of Science: Marine ecosystem- and fisheries science
Title of Master thesis: “Fish occurrence on a small spatial and temporal scale from a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena L.) perspective”.
2016-2017 Research year abroad at Aarhus University, Denmark
2014 Bachelor of Science: Biological sciences
Title of Bachelor thesis: “Abundanz des Wattwurms Arenicola marina von April bis Juli 2014 im Watt vor Harlesiel – Einfluss von Sedimenteigenschaften und Bakteriendichte“.
2013 Semester abroad at Stockholm University, Sweden
11/2020 – on going Scientist at Hamburg University
Project manager of BMBF-Projekt balt_ADAPT, EU Horizon Projekt MarinePlan
01/2018 – 10/2020 Scientist at Technical University Munich
EU-Project FIThydro