Dr. Jens Floeter
53°32'43,5'' N 009°56'39,38'' O
MARSYS Teaching (Corona Style)
B-MARSYS 9 Populationsdynamik (SoSe20)
Research Interests
- Pelagic effects of offshore wind farms
- Coupling of spatio-temporal scales
- Higher trophic level food web dynamics
- Multi species fisheries assessment
Verbundvorhaben: Darstellung von Synergien im Kolk- und Fischmonitoring in Offshore-Windparks -
Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung einer kosteneffizienten und nicht-invasiven Fischmonitoring-Strategie in Offshore-Windparks (synKoFiMo)
Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 24 Monate; 01.06.2015 – 31.05.2017
Bachelor - & Master - Thesis
Aktuell bieten wir Absschlussarbeiten in folgenden Themenbereichen an:
"Pelagische Effekte von Offshore Windparks"
Rene-Marcel Plonus, Jens Floeter. “Identification of plankton habitats in the North Sea”. Ecology and Evolution 14, e70342. (2024) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.70342
Kevin Friedland, Jens Floeter, Ryan Morse,Joshua van Berkel. “Fisheries and Offshore Wind Interactions: Synthesis of Science, 1.4 Ecosystem Synthesis 1.4.1 Phytoplankton and Zooplankton”. Hg. Northeast Fisheries Science Center (U.S.). 291. 2023, S. 56-65. https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/49151 https://doi.org/10.25923/tcjt-3a69
Jens Floeter, Thomas Pohlmann, André Harmer, Christian Möllmann. “Chasing the offshore wind farm wind-wake induced upwelling/downwelling dipole ”. Frontiers in Marine Science (2022) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2022.884943/abstract
Rene‐Marcel Plonus, Jan Conradt, André Harmer, Silke Janßen, Jens Floeter. “Automatic plankton image classification—Can capsules and filters help cope with data set shift?”. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods (2021) http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lom3.10413
Rene‐Marcel Plonus, Stefanie Vogl , Jens Floeter. “Automatic segregation of pelagic habitats”. Frontiers in Marine Science (2021) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2021.754375/abstract
Selected oral & poster presentations
J. Floeter, R. Riethmüller, R.P. North, M. Hufnagl, T. Dudeck, B. Walter, D. Gloe, K.O. Möller, A. Eckhardt, J. van Beusekom, A. Temming, C. Möllmann (2015). "New tools - old challenges: ecosystem monitoring with high speed towed multi-sensor vehicles (TRIAXUS, SCANFISH)". ICES CM 2015 / Session C:07 / Ecosystem monitoring in practice, Presenter: Tim Dudeck
J. Floeter, U. Callies, T. Dudeck, A. Eckhardt, D. Gloe, M. Hufnagl, E. Ludewig, K.O. Möller, R.P. North, P. Pohlmann, R. Riethmüller, A. Temming, J. van Beusekom, B. Walter, C. Möllmann (2015). "Assessing bio-physical effects of Offshore Wind Farms on the North Sea pelagic ecosystem using a TRIAXUS ROTV". European Geosciences Union Assembly in Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015, OS2.7 Environmental Impacts of Marine Renewables. EGU2015-4082, OS2.1: Presenter: Tim Dudeck
J. Floeter, B. Baschek, U. Callies, J. carpenter, T. Dudeck, A. Eckhardt, D. Gloe, M. Hufnagl, G. Kraus, H. Lenhart, K.O. Möller, R.P. North, P. Pohlmann, R. Riethmüller, A. Temming, J. van Beusekom, B. Walter, C. Möllmann (2015). "Assessing biophysical effects of offshore wind farms on the North Sea pelagic ecosystem – in 2014 HZG (ICR), UniHH (IHF, IfM) and TI Sea Fisheries started a joint research initiative". Poster, 14.-17.4. 2015, KDM Symposium Küste 2025.
J. Floeter, D. Gloe, K.O. Möller, A. Eckhardt, J. Bruhn, C. Möllmann (2013). "Combining process studies with ecosystem surveys using the high speed towed multi-sensor vehicle". TRIAXUS ICES ASC 2013: Theme Session P: An integrated approach to research surveys: monitoring with a combination of sensors: P:08: Presenter: Klas Möller
A. Gimpel, V. Stelzenmüller, J. Floeter, A. Temming (2011). "Spatial explicit tools to support an ecosystem- based management: Modelling of nursery grounds in der German EEZ". ICES ASC 2011, G:21
J. Floeter, R. Diekmann, C. Möllmann (2010). "Ecosystem Based Assessment of Eastern Baltic Cod - Can a holistic knowledge-based fuzzy-logic Approach be useful?”. ICES WGIAB, April, 19-23.
J. Floeter, C. Möllmann (2009). "Decadal variability in the structure and functioning of the North Sea and Baltic Sea food webs – changes or replacements?". ICES ASC, CM P:07.
J. Floeter (2006). "EU project BECAUSE - first results". Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Kommission für Meeresforschung (DWK), 21. Juni 2006, IOR, Rostock (invited oral presentation).
A. Kempf, J. Floeter, A. Temming (2005). "Importance of variations in 0-group fish predation mortalities for recruitment success and implications for fisheries management". ICES C.M. O:41. (Poster)
J. Floeter (2004). "Grey gurnard in the North Sea - an emerging new predator?". ZMAW Symposium, 11.June 2004, Hamburg. (oral presentation)
J. Floeter, A. Sell, A. Temming, C. Schrum, M. St. John (2004). "Effects of hydrographic fronts on small-scale variability in plankton distribution: First Video Plankton Recorder results from the North Sea". GLOBEC Germany, Status Seminar, January 2004, BFA-Fischerei, Hamburg, (invited oral presentation)
A. Sell, J. Floeter, J.-P. Herrmann, A. Temming, M. St. John (2004). "Effects of hydrographic fronts on small-scale plankton distribution: Video Plankton Recorder results from the North Sea". GLOBEC Germany, Status Seminar, January 2004, BFA-Fischerei, Hamburg.(Poster)
J. Floeter, A. Temming (2003). "Size preference models for North Sea cod, whiting, saithe and grey gurnard feeding on fish". ICES C.M. N:08. (poster & oral presentation)
C. Rückert, J. Floeter, C. Schrum, I. Alekseeva, E. Götze, C. Zimmermann, M. St. John, A. Temming. (2003). "Changes in spatial distribution of North Sea clupeids during the 1990s: A response to frontal dynamics?". ICES C.M. P: 39. (Poster)
J.O. Schmidt, J. Floeter, J.-P. Herrmann, A. Sell, M. St. John, C. Möllmann, A. Temming (2003). "Investigation of the small-scale distribution of Pseudocalanus sp. in the Baltic Sea using a Video Plankton Recorder (VPR)". 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium, May 20-23, Gijón, Spain, (S6-525). (Poster)
J. Floeter (1999). "Food selection in North Sea gadoids - what role plays prey size preference?". ICES `Young Scientists Conference on Marine Ecosystem Perspectivés, Gilleleje, Denmark. (oral presentation)
J. Floeter (1997). "North Sea Cod – Herring Interaction". ICES Multi Species Assessment Working Group Kopenhagen, Denmark. (oral presentation)
Other literature
A. Kempf, J. Floeter, A. Temming (2009). "Predator-prey overlap induced Holling type III functional response in the North Sea fish assemblage". ICES ASC. ICES CM 2009/P:03
J. Floeter, A. Temming (2009). "The virtual stomach sampler". (Poster) ICES/PICES/UNCOVER Symposium. Rebuilding Depleted Fish Stocks - Biology, Ecology, Social Science and Management Strategies 3 – 6 November 2009 Warnemünde/Rostock, Germany
A. Kempf, J. Floeter, A. Temming (2005). "Are we able to model 0-group fish?" ICES Study Group on Multispecies Assessment in the North Sea [SGMSNS] 2005 Kopenhagen, Working Document
J. Floeter, A. Kempf, A. Temming (2005). "Evaluating the effects of survey index calculation, and changes in survey coverage on whiting IBTS quarter 1 index trends". Working Document for the Study Group on Stock Identity and Management Units of Whiting [SGSIMUW] 78pp.
A. Kempf, J. Floeter, A. Temming (2003). "Sensitivity of 4M predictions to the use of different stomach data sets, a case study on a potential North Sea gadoid recovery plan". ICES Study Group on Multispecies Assessment in the North Sea [SGMSNS] 2003 Bergen, Working Document
J.O. Schmidt, J. Floeter, J.-P. Herrmann, A. Sell, M. St. John, C. Möllmann, A. Temming (2003). "Small scale distribution of reproducing female Pseudocalanus sp. in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Sea) during two contrasting hydrographic regimes in spring 2002 and 2003". ICES CM 2003 / P:37
C. Möllmann, J.O. Schmidt, A. Temming, J.-P. Herrmann, J. Floeter, A. Sell (2002). "Video plankton recorder reveals environmental problems of marine copepod". Globec International Newsletter, 8/2. 20-21.
J. Floeter, A. Temming (2002). "Synthesis and New Concept for North Sea Research (SYKON)". Group 9: Higher Trophic Levels. Final Report, Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung - Reihe Z: No. 11, 319pp
J. Floeter, A. Temming (1999). "Food selection in North Sea gadoids - what role does prey size preference play?" Conference on Marine Ecosystem Perspectivés, Gilleleje, Denmark. ICES Cooperative Research Report. No 240, 67-68.
J. Floeter (1998). "Analyse und Modellierung der Nahrungsselektion von Nordseefischen". Diplomarbeit, Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft, Universität Hamburg, 122pp.
Educational Background
2005: Promotion
Dissertation: "An investigation of key processes affecting trophic interactions in the North Sea fish assemblage and their significance for multi species fisheries assessment". Universität Hamburg, Institut für Hydrobiologie & Fischereiwissenschaft
1998: Diplom der Biologie Thema der Diplomarbeit: "Analyse und Modellierung der Nahrungsselektion von Nordseefischen“.
1991: Studium Biologie, Universität Hamburg.
11/2008 - ongoing: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter IHF, AG Fisheries Science, Prof. Dr. C. Möllmann
10/ 2007 – 11/2008: Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Fischereitechnik, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, Institut für Ostseefischerei, Palmaille 9, 22767 Hamburg
03/ 2007 - 09/ 2007: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter & Work Package 3 Leiter im EU -Projekt: "UNderstanding the Mechanisms of Stock ReCOVERy" (UNCOVER) Contract no.: 022717
03/ 2004 – 02/ 2007:Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter & Assistent des Koordinators im EU -Projekt: “Critical Interactions BEtween Species and their Implications for a PreCAUtionary FiSheries Management in a variable Environment - a Modelling Approach” (BECAUSE), Contract no.: 502482
01/ 2001 - 02/ 2004Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter & Work Package 6 Leiter im EU -Projekt: “Linking hydrographic Frontal activity and ECOsystem dynamics in the North Sea & Skagerrak: Impact on fish stock recruitment” (LIFECO). Contract no.: Q5RS-2000-30183
01/ 1999 - 8/ 2000:Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im BMBFT -Projekt "Synthesis of North Sea research and development of a new research strategy" (SYCON).