Ph.D. (since 2023), University of Hamburg
Project: “Biota-mediated effects of carbon cycling in estuaries – Impacts of warming on microzooplankton-mesozooplankton interactions in the River Elbe Estuarine Ecosystem”
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nicole Aberle-Malzahn, Dr. Arne Malzahn
M. Sc. (2019 - 2023), University of Oldenburg
Thesis: “Physiological and behavioural responses of the snail Faunus ater to temperature, salinity and tidal regime.” at Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kröncke, Dr. Véronique Helfer (ZMT)
B.Sc. (2015 - 2019), University of Vechta
Thesis: „Monitoring Moorbach – Faunistische Untersuchung am Vechtaer Moorbach. Die Mollusken des Untersuchungsgebietes.“
Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr. Markus Böggemann, Prof. Dr. Norbert Pütz